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PFS-Tropical Asia
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2010-09-14: Landscapes and Vegetation of Central Europe 10-09-13
2010-09-08: Function and evolution of veins in leaves 10-09-06
2010-08-31: Evolution and Ecology of Specialized Floral Rewards for Pollinators 10-08-30
2010-08-24: Drought and soil respiration in the larger context of the SE Asian Monsoon 10-08-23
2010-08-17: Trap pollination in the Araceae family - structure, functionality and evolution 10-08-16
2010-08-10: Integration of Genomics and Transcriptomics Approaches in Conservation of Tropical Fo... 10-08-09
2010-07-20: Linkage between biogeochemical cycles and culture--understanding the East and West 10-07-19
2010-07-20: Linking the above and belowground processes 10-07-19
2010-07-15: Photoinactivation versus recovery of Photosystem II in leaves 10-07-15
2010-07-16: Principles and Practices for Environmental Planning 10-07-14
2010-07-16: Evolutionary Transitions in Plant Reproductive Systems: Ecological and Genetic Approa... 10-07-14
2010-07-13: Why low Hg bioaccumulation in a high Hg contaminated reservoir? 10-07-12
2010-07-06: The effects of the scale of habitat loss on community patterns 10-07-06
Nov 20-Dec 18, 2010: Advanced Field Ecology and Conservation Field course 10-07-02
2010-07-02: Vegetation and biodiversity of Yunnan 10-07-01
2010-06-29: How do seed dispersal shape plant genetic structure. 10-06-28
2010-06-22: Energy Plants: current status and future prospects 10-06-22
2010-06-08: Soil fauna and nutrient cycling: A comparison between Ailao mountain and Xishuangbanna 10-06-08
2010-06-01: The effect of nectar robbing on the maintenance of heterostylous system in Primula pl... 10-06-01
2010-05-25: Chemical Ecology of the Asian Longhorned Beetle (Cerambycidae; Lamiinae), and related... 10-05-24
October 25-27, 2010: Symposium on degradation, restoration and sustainable management of forest e... 10-05-18
2010-05-12: Flora of Europe from Cenozoic 10-05-11
2010-05-11:Evolution of a cheater in the sister taxa of a fig pollinating wasp 10-05-10
2010-05-06: Honey bee research in the U. S. Department of Agriculture and factors involved in dec... 10-05-04
2010-05-04: Comparative genomics of tropical tree species. 10-05-04
19-23 July 2010: ATBC 2010 in Bali, Indonesia 10-04-22
2010-04-09: Ecosystem structure and function in Canadian grassland 10-04-08
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Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Menglun, Mengla, Yunnan 666303, China
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