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March30-April2, 2011: "Plant-animal interrelationships" Workshop
Author: Lin Hua
Update time: 2011-03-23
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Time and Place : 2011 March 30 to April 2 , XTBG, Menglun, Yunnan, China.


March 30th, 2011
07:30-08:30    Breakfast      Hotel Restaurant
08:40-09:00   From Hotel Restaurant to the Research Centre by battery car
09:00-09:10    Opening speech             Gao JiangYun
09:10-09:30    Introduction each other, and group dividing
09:30-09:40    Group photo
09:40-10:00   Coffee break
Lecture                  The First Meeting Room
10:00-12:00   Pollination: Introduction Lecture          Amots Dafni
12:00-12:40     Buffet        Research Centre Restaurant 
12:40   From Research Centre Restaurant to the hotel
14:40   From hotel to the First Meeting Room
Lecture                 The First Meeting Room 
15:00-16:30   Pollination Syndromes           Amots Dafni 
16:30-16:45   Coffee Break
16:45-18:30   Breeding Systems             Amots Dafni 
18:30-19:30    Buffet        Research Centre Restaurant
 19:30   From Research Centre Restaurant to the hotel 

March 31st, 2011
07:30-08:30   Breakfast    Hotel Restaurant
8:30-12:00  Field course         Amots Dafni & Nicolas J. Vereecken
Location will be noticed ahead of tim
1. Excursion, flower structure, pollination types 
2. Breeding systems, artificial pollination, pollen flow phenology
3. Pollen –stigma biology, wind pollination
12:00-12:40   Buffet        Research Centre Restaurant
12:40   From Research Centre Restaurant to the hotel
14:40   From hotel to the First Meeting Room 
Lecture             The First Meeting Room
15:00-16:30  Pollen and Stigma Biology        Amots Dafni
16:30-16:45    Coffee Break
16:45-18:30  Advertisement and Reward         Amots Dafni 
18:30-19:30    Buffet        Research Centre Restaurant
Lecture             The First Meeting Room
19:30-21:30  1. Bee Ecology and Evolution       Nicolas J. Vereecken
2. Pollination and Conservation      Nicolas J. Vereecken
21:40   From Research Centre to the hotel
April 1st, 2011
07:30-08:30   Breakfast    Hotel Restaurant
08:30-12:00   Field course          Amots Dafni & Nicolas J. Vereecken 
Location will be noticed ahead of time
1. Nectar studies
2. Pollen flow checking
12:00-12:40   Buffet        Research Centre Restaurant 
12:40   From Research Centre Restaurant to the hotel
14:40   From hotel to the First Meeting Room 
Lecture             The First Meeting Room
15:00-16:30   Pollinator Hunt               Nicolas J. Vereecken
16:30-16:45   Coffee Break
16:45-18:30 Chemistry of Pollination - Why are Flowers Scented?   Nicolas J. Vereecken
18:30-19:30    Buffet        Research Centre Restaurant
Lecture             The First Meeting Room   
19:30-21:30   Chemical Mimicry and Deception - Cheaters and Liars. Nicolas J. Vereecken
21:40   From Research Centre to the hotel
April 2nd, 2011
07:30-08:30   Breakfast    Hotel Restaurant
8:30-12:00 Field course           Amots Dafni & Nicolas J. Vereecken
Location will be noticed ahead of time
Insects on flowers   Lab/excursion
12:00-12:40   Buffet        Research Centre Restaurant 
12:40   From Research Centre Restaurant to the hotel
14:40   From hotel to the First Meeting Room 
15:00-18:00   Group Discussion          The First Meeting Room
18:00   From Research Centre Restaurant to the hotel
18:30-20:00     Farewell Dinner        Hotel Restaurant
April 3th, 2011
Field trip to Shorea forest
07:30-08:30   Breakfast    Hotel Restaurant
8:30   Take bus before the hotel gate to Shorea forest
12:30-14:00    Lunch            Mengla County
14:00-16:00    Mengla County - JingHong Airport 
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Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Menglun, Mengla, Yunnan 666303, China
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