The 52nd Annual Meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation (ATBC) was held in Honolulu, Hawaii from July 12 -16, with about 400 tropical conservation biologists around the world present. The theme is Resilience of Island Systems in the Context of Climate Change: Challenges for Biological and Cultural diversity and Conservation. 8 scientists of Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden participated in the meeting. Principal investigaor of XTBG Biodiversity Research Group was invited as a keynote speaker to deliver the plenary session. His presentation was entitled “Conservation in an Era of Rapid Global Change”. Other presentations by XTBG scientists are as following: Gao, Jiang-Yun Effectiveness of new cultivation model in restoration of wild orchids used as TCM: experiments from the tropical Yunnan, China Hughes, Alice 1.The past, present and future of Island ecosystems 2. The Alpha, Beta, Gamma approach to conservation Han, Jessie Yc Mycorrhizal Fungi Composition Study as Environmental Factor Reference for Relocating Endangered Paphiopedilum spicerianum in Yunna, China Tomlinson, Kyle Defense against vertebrate herbivores: architectural and low nutrient strategies of woody tree species Xia, Shangwen Causality of fine scale soil heterogeneity and its effect on seedling regeneration in a tropical rainforest
XTBG participants at ATBC 2015
Dr.Xia Shangwen poses a photo |