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Prof. Chen Jin attends 2nd International Forum on Biodiversity and BioEconomy
Author: Ai Chongrui
Update time: 2014-05-27
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The Second International Forum on Biodiversity and BioEconomy was held from May 21-23 in Bangkok, Thailand. Prof. Chen Jin, director of XTBG, was invited to give a plenary speech entitled “Development of environmental friendly bio-industry in tropical Asia: with rubber as an instance”.

      The international forum was hosted by Biodiversity-Based Economy Development Office (Public Organization) (BEDO).The theme of the forum was “Biodiversity and BioEconomy Development: Global Opportunities and Challenges”, the forum featured a panel of well-known international speakers from over 10 countries. Included in the invited speakers were international experts, executives, academicians, researchers from educational institutions, public entities, associations, and private sectors involving with biodiversity from over 10 countries.

   The organizing committee of the forum prepared an exhibition of biological products and intangible cultural heritage. Participants in the forum also visited Nong Nooch Tropical Garden.

  BEDO is an organization established to promote the management of biodiversity resources utilization for economic purposes in 3 aspects including 1) to encourage sustainable conservation and utilization of biodiversity with involvements from business sector, 2) to communicate, educate and raise public awareness on biodiversity in response to the decade of biodiversity as noted by United Nations for 2011 – 2020, and 3) to conduct researches on necessary biodiversity and interact with biodiversity dialogues for year 2011 – 2020, and to establish collaborative networks among local and international organizations engaging in biodiversity management and BioEconomy Development.

   Mr. Petipong Pungbun Na Ayudhya, President of Biodiversity-Based Economy Development Office (BEDO), Thailand, ever headed up a 9-person delegation to visit XTBG on July 26, 2012. (http://english.xtbg.cas.cn/ic/icn/201207/t20120730_89424.html)


Environmental friendly rubber plantation 1


Environmental friendly rubber plantation 2



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Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Menglun, Mengla, Yunnan 666303, China
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