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Annual Meeting 2013 of Entomological Society of Yunnan held in Kunming
Author: Ai Chongrui
Update time: 2013-08-30
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The annual meeting 2013 of Entomological Society of Yunnan was held in Kunming during August 24-25. As a big event of the Society, over 130 entomologists and professionals from related institutions and colleges in Yunnan province gathered together to exchange scientific information and the latest research.

   The theme of the annual meeting was “Insect biodiversity conservation and construction of green economy province and ecological civilization in Yunnan”.

   Prof. Yang Darong of XTBG was invited to deliver a keynote speech entitled “Impact of global climate change on breeding capacity of resource insects”. His speech talked that global warming led to changes of life history of such resource insects as ‘insect herb’ Hepialus armoricanus, and fig wasps, etc., and further influenced the yield of resources and the ecosystem. His speech won wide attention.

   Another two presentations from XTBG students were entitled Secondary galling — a novel feeding strategy among ‘non-pollinating’ fig wasps from Ficus curtipesand “Non-pollinator fig wasp impact on the reproductive success of an invasive fig tree: why so little?” respectively.

  Prof. Yang Darong was newly elected as chairman of Entomological Society of Yunnan. Dr. Peng Yanqiong was elected as secretary general of the Society

An insect photography exhibition was also held. Many pictures taken by XTBG participants won favorable comments.
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Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Menglun, Mengla, Yunnan 666303, China
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