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Annual Academic Meeting 2013 of Chinese Botanic Gardens held in Yinchuan
Author: Ai Chongrui
Update time: 2013-08-26
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The Annual Academic Meeting 2013 of Chinese Botanic Gardens was held in Yinchuan Botanical Garden, Ningxia during August 22-24. 300 representatives from over 80 botanical gardens and international organizations attended the meeting. The theme of the meeting was “Beautiful China--- the Responsibility of Botanical Gardens”.

The 57 presentations covered such topics as plant biodiversity conservation, public education and tourism, conservation and utilization of plant resources, management and business model of botanical gardens, etc.

Prof. Chen Jin, chairman of the Chinese Union of Botanical Gardens and director of XTBG, made a keynote speech entitled “‘Zero extinction’ conservation plan for plants in Xishuangbanna: Is it a model for full-cover conservation of native plant species in China?” The speech aroused wide concern among the participants.

 The popular education programs of XTBG were also introduced at the meeting.

 “Lifetime Achievement Award of Chinese Botanical Gardens” was conferred to Mr. Chen Rongsheng, founder of Xiamen Botanical Garden at the meeting.

Annual Academic Meeting 2014 of Chinese Botanic Gardens is to be held at Chen Shan Botanical Garden in Shanghai.

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Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Menglun, Mengla, Yunnan 666303, China
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