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National S&T project “Integration and demonstration of key-techniques on the rehabilitation of eco-environment in Karst mountain areas” passed the final evaluation
Author: FANG Chunyan
Update time: 2010-11-24
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On November 4, 2010, scientists and officials gathered at XTBG to evaluate the final-report of a national S&T project “Integration and demonstration of key-techniques on the rehabilitation of eco-environment in Karst mountain areas” granted by the National Science and Technology Support Program of China.

With total fund of 45.95 million RMB, XTBG launched this project in January 2006 with the aim to provide scientific basis for the restoration of degraded Karst environment.

Focus on ecological restoration of Karst mountain areas in the past years, Prof. LIU Wenyao, principal investigator of the project from XTBG, carried out research in Bijie area of Guizhou Province, SW China. Bring together project members on land use/cover change, potential for rehabilitation of different plant communities, selection of native plants, optimization of ecological cycle of breeding modes, species -area curve for soil seed bank, pre-treatment for soil seed bank germination, and classification of soil seed bank, the project developed multiple patterns and techniques integration with soil and water conservation, planting grass, raising livestock embryo transfer, the local fine varieties of livestock and poultry breeding, and standardization planting of Chinese herbs and implemented in rehabilitation of the Karst mountain areas. Good ecological, social and economic benefits have being achieved through promotion and application of these patterns and technologies. After years of intensive work, research team of this project have published over 40 articles, filed 3 patent applications, and supervised 2 PhD students who get the degree and 45 Master students who get the degree. The project achievements also were awarded the 2nd prize of Agricultural Harvest in Guizhou Province, and the 1st prize of Science & Technology Progress of Bijie Prefecture, Guizhou Province.

The evaluation committee led by Science and Technology Department of Guizhou Province praised the advances of this project.

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Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Menglun, Mengla, Yunnan 666303, China
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