(1) Poverty Reduction
a) Update current socioeconomic profiles and assess levels of poverty in the corridor areas
b) Together with communities assess alternative livelihoods potential and livelihood improvement interventions (ecological farming, community forestry, etc.)
c) Explore specific market linkages in Xishuangbanna and build on existing studies conducted by the Yunnan Poverty Alleviation Office and other agencies
d) In the corridors, provide small grants to communities (villages) that can be set up as revolving accounts for village groups to manage
e) Together with provincial and prefecture authorities identify incentives to promote natural forest protection and biodiversity conservation on competing land uses (e.g. rubber or other cash crop)
f) Assess wildlife and people conflicts and improve compensation system for damages.
(2) Land Use Planning and Management
a) Nabanhe and Shanyong NR - Review current land use planning and land use patterns and strengthen land use rights within corridors
b) Support provincial authorities in preparing a detailed land use and zoning plan for including socio-economic studies, future development options and strategic environmental assessments
c) Demarcate and delineate sustainable use corridors (experimental and multiple-use areas) that are surrounding nature reserves (core areas and buffer zones)
d) Identify and demarcate areas (e.g. along rivers and on steep slopes) that require soil erosion and other conservation and soil erosion protection measures
e) Update land cover data and classification
(3) Restoring ecosystems Connectivity
a) Promote landscape connectivity in key fragmentation points through natural regeneration and human assisted natural regeneration (including enrichment planting)
b) Biodiversity assessments/update surveys with regard to maintaining viable populations of globally threatened plant and animal species
c) Undertake biodiversity assessment of the Mekong River Headwaters (basin– northern, central, and southern portions)
d) Update existing data of forest trees and plants of economic value which have potential to contribute to local livelihoods
e) Monitor impact of interventions and evaluate corridor establishment recommend for upscaling
f) Assess technical feasibility of proposed Mengsong NR
(4) Capacity Building
a) Strengthen the capacity of prefecture and county officials and key provincial and national level staff involved in corridor and protected areas management
b) Promote education and public awareness
c) Support efforts in strengthening the capacity of villagers to manage and protect forest and natural resources in the corridors and move towards effective community based natural resource management (with co-management of some parts of protected areas and protected forests)