Announcement for the 8th International Canopy Conference
“Roles of the forest canopy in a changing world”
24th – 27th October 2020
Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG),
Chinese Academy of Sciences
The International Canopy Conference is held every four years and aims to showcase the latest studies and advances in the field of canopy science and to discuss future research directions in canopy ecology and other related disciplines. In 2020, the 8th International Canopy Conference will be held at Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yunnan Province, China, from the 24th to 27th October 2020 under the theme entitled “Roles of the forest canopy in a changing world”.
Details below or download here.

The canopy is the defining component of any forest ecosystem and harbours a large share of global biodiversity. The canopy community is vitally important for the essential roles in ecosystem functions and services. The development of new technologies and infrastructure, such as remote sensing and global network of canopy cranes, have propelled canopy science into a new era. Canopy science is now undergoing an exciting, radical change of approach from descriptive studies to experimental manipulations. However, there remain many challenges in understanding canopy systems in order to make predictions about the consequences of global-scale human disturbances and their impact on forest ecosystems.
The International Canopy Conference is held every four years and aims to showcase the latest studies and advances in the field of canopy science and to discuss future research directions in canopy ecology and other related disciplines. In 2020, the 8th International Canopy Conference will be held at Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG), Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yunnan Province, China, from the 24th to 27th October 2020 under the theme entitled “Roles of the forest canopy in a changing world”.
Main symposia:
. Forest canopy biodiversity (Chair: Jiaolin ZHANG, XTBG, China)
. Functional roles of forest canopy (Chair: Liang SONG, XTBG, China)
. Anthropogenic disturbance in the forest canopy (Chair: Frans BONGERS, Wageningen University, Netherlands)
. Remote sensing for canopy science (Chair: Jin WU, Hong Kong University, China)
. Roles of forest canopy in environmental education (Chair: Margaret LOWMAN, California Academy of Sciences, USA)
. Canopy access techniques and new technologies for canopy science (Chair: Jamiluddin JAMI, South East Asia Rainforest Research Partnership, Malaysia)
Additional symposia or modification of the above symposia are welcome. Please email Akihiro Nakamura ( by the 31st January 2020.
Plenary speakers:
. Forest canopy biodiversity
Professor Vojtech NOVOTNY (CONFIRMED), Czech Academy of Sciences and University of South Bohemia, Czech Republic (email:
. Functional roles of forest canopy
Professor Hans CORNELISSEN (TO BE CONFIRMED), Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Netherland (email:
. Anthropogenic disturbance in the forest canopy
Dr Stefan A. SCHNITZER (TO BE CONFIRMED), Marquette University, USA (email:
Dr Brett SCHEFFERS (TO BE CONFIRMED), University of Florida, USA (emil:
Remote sensing for canopy science
Dr Jin WU (CONFIRMED), Hong Kong University, China (email:
Professor Gregory P. ASNER (TO BE CONFIRMED), Arizona State University, USA (email:
Roles of forest canopy in environmental education
Dr Margaret LOWMAN (CONFIRMED), TREE Foundation, USA (aka “Canopy Meg”, email:
. Canopy access techniques and new technologies for canopy science
Professor Min CAO (CONFIRMED), Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China (email:
Public lecture speaker:
Professor Roger L. KITCHING (CONFIRMED), Griffith University, Australia (email:
Language: English
Plenary oral presentations: We will invite one or two renowned researchers as plenary speakers for each symposium (30 mins each plus 10 mins of question time).
Oral presentations and posters: Each symposium will host 7-8 speakers (15 mins each including 3 mins of question time) and 3-7 poster presentations (A0 size: 1189 mm × 841 mm, 33.1 × 46.8 inch).
Abstract submission for oral and poster presentations: Abstract should be prepared on a A4 size document (1.5 line spacing) with title, author names (first and FAMILY names, with presenting author name highlighted in bold), affiliations with address, and email address of corresponding author. Four to six keywords should also be provided. Abstract should be written in English and word limit is 300 words.
Discussion sessions: We will have small group discussion sessions to set the future research directions and to facilitate international and inter-disciplinary collaboration.
Public lecture: We will invite one highly inspirational ecologist who is capable of interacting and communicating with the general public to tell the stories of our work and raise issues associated with conservation. We will invite an audience from local schools around XTBG and some students selected from other schools in Yunnan.
Excursion: We will organise a trip to visit Xishuangbanna Forest Dynamic Plot (affiliated to XTBG, ForestGEO, CForBio) and the canopy crane on the 26th October 2020 (Day 3 of the conference). The excursion fees (not included in the registration fees) will be announced in due course.
Scholarships: We aim to raise funding to support some students to travel and attend the conference. However, the number of scholarships will be announced once we confirm the amount of funding raised for this purpose. Scholarships for the tree climbing training course will also be available.
Pre-conference activity (19th – 23rd October)
Workshop by Gbadamassi G.O. DOSSA and Hans CORNELISSEN on “Integrating carbon and water cycling of trees vs. lianas from life to afterlife” will be held for invited contributors to achieve a greater understanding of both water and carbon cycles with regard to specific differences between self-standing trees and lianas. In addition the workshop will address future avenues for integrating water and carbon cycles.
Post-conference activity (28th October – 1st November)
Tree climbing training course (Levels 1 and 2, certified by Ropeskills Rigging SDN BHD) will be held by Jamiluddin JAMI and his team members as a post-conference workshop. The course fees will be announced in due course. The number of participants is limited and, if the number of applications exceeds the limit, we will have two separate courses or choose the participants by drawing lots. Please contact Aki ( if you are interested to register!
Host institutes:
Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS)
Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG)
Co-organising association:
Japan Association of Tropical Ecology (JASTE)
Organizing committee members:
Chair: Jin CHEN (XTBG, CAS, China)
Members: Jiyue CHEN (XTBG, CAS, China)
Hui CHEN (XTBG, CAS, China)
Sidi WANG (XTBG, CAS, China)
Academic committee members:
Chair: Akihiro NAKAMURA (XTBG, CAS, China)
Min CAO (XTBG, CAS, China)
Members: Keping MA (Institute of Botany, CAS, China)
Wanhui YE (South China Botanical Garden, CAS, China)
Luxiang LIN (XTBG, CAS, China)
Ekgachai JERATTHITIKUL (Mahidol University, Thailand)
Takao ITIOKA (Kyoto University, Japan)
Tetsuro Hosaka (JASTE, Kyoto University, Japan)
Roger KITCHING (Griffith University, Australia)
Claire OZANNE (University of Roehampton, UK)
Gbadamassi G.O. DOSSA (XTBG, CAS, China)
Registration fees: Registration fee includes all materials (conference booklet, badge, conference bag etc.), morning and afternoon coffee breaks, lunch (24th, 25th and 27th October), dinner (including banquet on the 24th, 25th, 26th and 27th October). Registration fee does not include the optional excursion fees.
Early bird
Before or on the 15th July 2020 |
Between the 16th July 2020 and 16th September 2020 (inclusive) |
Late or on-site
After the 17th September 2020 |
Regular (non-student) |
Developed countries * |
¥1500 / US$220 |
¥2000 / US$290 |
¥2500 / US$360 |
Developing countries * |
¥1000 / US$150 |
¥1500 / US$220 |
¥2000 / US$290 |
Least-developed countries * |
¥800 / US$120 |
¥1000 / US$150 |
¥1500 / US$220 |
Students |
Developed countries * |
¥1000 / US$150 |
¥1500 / US$ 220 |
¥2000 / US$290 |
Developing countries * |
¥800 / US$120 |
¥1000 / US$150 |
¥1500 / US$220 |
Least-developed countries * |
¥600 / US$90 |
¥800 / US$120 |
¥1000 / US$150 |