The 2016 XTBG Excellent University Students Summer Camp was held successfully from August 1 to 7. The camp extends a tradition of excellence to outstanding college students through a-week-long activities including visit, study, communication, lectures, and other activities to approach and understand XTBG. 47 outstanding students from 30 universities gathered together at XTBG headquarters and enjoyed the summer camp.
At the opening ceremony of summer camp on August 1, the campers sang the XTBG song “Our Garden, Our Home” in chorus. Afterwards, XTBG CPC Secretary Li Hongwei expressed a warm welcome to all campers and gave a brief introduction to the development of the Garden. He hoped the campers get happiness and experience success through the visit, study, communication and other activities to approach and understand XTBG.
A series of activities were involved in the summer camp. Special themed lectures aroused research interests among the students. The topics included molecular mechanism of interaction between plants and environmental factors, signaling pathway, and their application, understanding biodiversity through an evolution perspective, animal behavior and biodiversity conservation, soil food web and ecosystem functions, forest canopies, and plant fossils, etc.
Academic salon, laboratory tours, field trips, touring XTBG in the night, volleyball contest all provided the campers pleasant, practical, and meaningful experiences. Through the summer camp, the students have strengthened their understanding of botanical and ecological studies and had a better standing of XTBG. Some of them are expected to have further studies at XTBG.
On August 7, the closing ceremony was held. Profs. Liu Wenyao and Chen Jianghua issued certificates of completion for the students.

Campers and teachers pose a photo

Mr.Li Hongwei delivers an opening speech

Lecturers at the summer camp

Face-to-face communication

Laboratory tours, field trips, and volleyball contest

Campers sing XTBG song “Our Garden, Our Home” in chorus