Experienced birders, enthusiastic birdwatchers or environmental protection organizations gathered together and applauded for the 5th Birding Festival of Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG) during November 4-6. The birding festival offered activities for birders of all ages, including presentations by bird experts, bird walks, an amateur bird photo contest, and exhibit. Participants observe birds and learn knowledge concerning bird conservation here.
At this festival, 94 bird species were observed within XTBG. The star birds are the thick-billed green pigeon (Treron curvirostra), the Sri Lanka green pigeon (Treron pompadora), the barn owl (Tyto alba), the silver-backed needletail (Hirundapus cochinchinensis), etc. Some rare seen bird species brought surprise to bird lovers.
Lectures by expert naturalists, conservationists and birders, entertainment, and guided bird watching in the garden made the festival full and meaningful, which won applause from participants.
The local primary and middle students are eye-catching participants. Some students said that the birding festival made them know more about birds, love birds, and want to contribute to bird conservation in the future.

Lecture by Mr. Liu Yang, an experienced birder from Zhongshan Universoty

Dr. Zhu Lei introduces bird conservation

A naturalist mimic bird singing

The barn owl (Tyto alba)

Students show their souvenirs