An exhibition on insects is ongoing (from July 26 on) at the Tropical Rainforest Ethnic Culture Museum of XTBG. Numerous photos (together with introduction) will lead visitors to the colorful world of insects at the exhibition named “Approaching Insects”. .
You may wonder what an insect is and where insects are living. You may further want to know what interrelationship of insects is with human beings. By seeing the exhibition, you may have a better understanding.
Insects are a special group of arthropods. All insects share several, easily-recognizable external characteristics including three pairs of legs, a segmented body divided into three regions (head, thorax, and abdomen), one pair of antennae and, usually, wings. Insects live in just about every habitat on Earth, from the sands of hot deserts to cold snowy mountain streams. Most insects live on land. Insects play a multi-faceted role in human life. Insects have a profound impact on agriculture, the household, disease, and hence on oral literature, music, art, folklore, recreation, and religion.
Closely as they are related to human beings, it is important to protect and utilize insects. XTBG (jointly with Kunming Institute of Zoology) aims to increase the public awareness of insect protection and biodiversity conservation through this exhibition.
The exhibition lasts from July 26 to October in XTBG.

Part of the exhibition

Part of the exhibition

Visitors watch the exhibition