A nature journaling contest aimed at increasing environmental awareness of primary school students came to an end in July. 550 pieces of nature journaling works from 14 primary schools in Xishuangbanna were collected and chosen to exhibit in XTBG. The nature journaling works documented the observations, information, and assimilated discoveries in a creative yet scientific way when kids experienced nature. When kids observe nature, especially lovely animals and beautiful plants in Xishuangbanna they recorded their varied thought and experience by a quick sketch, a caption, drawing, etc. The nature journaling enhanced their ecological intelligence and connections to the natural world, while cultivating the skill of focused observation. The hundreds of nature journaling works are evidence of keen interest of students. Some participants said that the nature journaling contest helped them increase environmental awareness and have a better understanding. “Nature journaling involves art, science, and language, very interesting”, said some students. Following are some nature journaling works of primary and middle school students in Xishuangbanna. 
