Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG) is conducting “zero extinction” program. Part of the work is collaborating with BGCI to restore a ‘holy hill’ (i.e. a small remnant seasonal forest) near Manyangguang village. An educational program with a focus on primary school students is initiated in parallel in order to have long-term impact on the region. Currently much progress has been made. Currently, survey and assessment of restoration needs have been finished. A native tree nursery has been established. We are now working to check the growth of seedling reintroduced last year and to seek more suitable place for plant reintroduction. A clearing of about 3 mu (one fifth ha) in the jungle is chosen to be planted by new seedlings. More work will be carried out. Afterwards, some popular education activity took place in a local primary school, which aimed to increase awareness of biodiversity protection and enthusiasm to natural world. The overall aim of the project is to build public support for forest restoration by demonstrating the value of forest fragments and encouraging community participation in their protection and restoration. It is now receiving enthusiasm and support from local communities, schools and government. 
Check gowth of reintroduced seedlings 
The students working in their "garden" |