“Plant kingdom, tropical paradise” is a smart introduction to Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG). It is explained in detail by Prof. Li Qingjun at a science salon of Chinese Natioanal Geography on December 18. Prof. Li Qingjun introduced XTBG’s history, status quo, and development through five parts: Xishuangbanna - crown of the kingdom of plants, Prof. Cai Xitao – a pioneer botanist for plants in Xishuangbanna, XTBG – a gem surrounded by tropical rainforest, appreciation of beautiful landscape and understanding scientific spirit of XTBG, development perspective of XTBG – the most beautiful botanical garden in the world. The lecture attracted 358 people to the lecture hall. It’s a good chance to make XTBG better known by more people. The science salon of Chinese National Geography was hosted by the magazine Chinese National Geography. Its speakers are mainly scholars or experts in natural science domains. 
Li Qingjun introducing XTBG 
The audience |