During their botanical trips to Xishuangbanna in southern Yunnan, SW China during 2011 and 2012, a few young researchers from XTBG Herbarium found two new orchid records from China and reported them. The two orchids are Sunipia grandiflora(Rolfe) P. F. Hunt and Bulbophyllum parviflorumC. S. P. Parish & Rchb. f..
For detailed description about the two orchid species, please read “Two New Records of Orchid from China” in Plant Diversity and Resources.
Following are pictures of the two orchid species:

Sunipia grandiflora(Rolfe) P. F. Hunt

Sunipia grandiflora(Rolfe) P. F. Hunt

Bulbophyllum parviflorum C. S. P. Parish & Rchb. f..