On the Fascination of Plants Day (May 18), children at XTBG kindergarten were led to encounter nature directly. They had Meet-a-Tree game, in which a child is blindfolded in the forest, taken to a particular tree, and asked to feel the tree to discern its uniqueness—bark texture, leaf shape, girth, moss, etc.
20 children were paired off. For each pair, one child is blindfolded and led through the forest to a rubber tree or a betel palm tree. Then his or her partner helped the "blind" child to explore the tree and to feel its uniqueness. After finishing exploring, the “blind” child was led back to where he began, taking an indirect route. The blindfold removed, and the child tried to find the tree with his eyes open. Searching for the tree became an unforgettable experience.

Meet a rubber tree

"Look at my hand, I've touched with a betel palm tree."
The Meet-a-Tree game is also part of popular science activities for National Science and Technology Week 2012.
More nature awareness activities will be available in the future. Take your children to XTBG and touch with nature.