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2008 CTFS Research Grant Program
Author: Hu Huabin
ArticleSource: CTFS
Update time: 2008-02-29
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2008 CTFS Research Grant Program moved its deadline forward to April 30th. This RGP supports research associated with the CTFS network of Forest Dynamics Plots.


The Research Grants Program of the Center for Tropical Forest Science (CTFS) of the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute supports research associated with the CTFS network of Forest Dynamics Plots. This grants program is intended to provide opportunities for senior researchers, post-doctoral fellows, and graduate students to utilize existing Forest Dynamics Plots and to conduct research with scientists associated with these plots.

For more detailed information about CTFS Research Grant Program and the Application guidelines, click here.

What types of projects will the CTFS Grants Program support?
Anyone working directly in a Forest Dynamics Plot, analyzing data from a plot, identifying plants or animals in a plot, or generating complementary data that strengthens Forest Dynamics Plot programs is eligible to apply. Projects can be field-oriented, herbarium- or laboratory-based, or analytical. Research projects can be either basic or applied in nature. Social scientists as well as natural scientists are encouraged to apply.

Who is eligible to apply?
The CTFS Grant Program is open to all researchers, from graduate students to senior scientists. In some cases, advanced undergraduates will also be considered. Preference will be given to scientists in the countries with CTFS sites and to all graduate students and post-doctoral researchers. Applicants are welcome from all nationalities.

How much funding can one request and for how long?
The majority of the CTFS Research Grants will be in the $3,000-$30,000 range. The CTFS Grants Program will make awards for projects three months to three years in length.

What expenses can be included in the grant proposal?
Funding is restricted to expenses directly related to field research, laboratory research, and data analysis. Examples of eligible expenses include travel, living expenses during fieldwork, supplies, research assistance, and resulting publications. Funds are not available for salary and/or fringe benefits of applicant, tuition, non-project personnel, or travel to meetings. In addition, the grants program will NOT support indirect costs for institutional support.

Does the CTFS Grants Program support undergraduate and graduate study costs?
No, funding cannot be applied to undergraduate and graduate expenses such as tuition, books, and fees.

When are applications due?
This grants program has switched to an annual cycle. Submissions will be accepted yearly on the last day of April. The next deadline for applications is APRIL 30th, 2008. Decisions will be made approximately three months after the deadline.

How should proposals be submitted?
Proposals can be sent electronically (preferred method) or by mail to the addresses listed below.

Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
CTFS Grants Program
Apartado 0843-03092
Balboa, Ancon
Panama, Republica de Panama

Mail from the USA:
Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute
CTFS Grants Program
Unit 0948
APO AA 34002, USA

E-mail: sautua@si.edu ; ctfs@si.edu

For additional information please contact:
Stuart Davies, CTFS Director
Email: sdavies@oeb.harvard.edu

see Details in PDF

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