Time: 16:30-18:00(Beijing time) Date: June 6, 2023 (Tuesday) Venue: ZOOM ID 312 430 8960 PWD: 666666 Online Panel: Human-Wildlife Conflicts and Coexistence — current and future perspectives
Human-wildlife conflicts are wicked socio-ecological problems that can rarely be solved. They can pose grave problems for the safety and livelihoods of human communities, as well as for the conservation of conflict-prone wildlife species. Global interest on how to manage human-wildlife conflicts to promote coexistence is gaining unprecedented momentum. At the end of 2022, human-wildlife conflicts were explicitly included in Target 4 of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework; and in March-April 2023, the IUCN’s Specialist Group on Human-Wildlife Conflicts and Coexistence (HWCC) organized the first international conference exclusively dedicated to this topic. In this context, the June 2023 Integrative Conservation Webinar Series will host an online panel with three leading conservation scientists in this area. The panel will discuss our current understanding of what are and what causes human-wildlife conflicts, how to promote coexistence, and what to expect for human-wildlife interactions in decades to come. | | |
Dr Vidya Athreya
WCS India |
The Integrative Conservation Webinar Series are monthly events featuring cutting-edge presentations and topical discussions on the theory, practice, and policy of biodiversity conservation. The series is sponsored by Integrative Conservation and the webinars’ content is generally related to work published in the journal. The Integrative Conservation webinars take place the first Tuesday of every month (4:30 to 6 pm, Beijing time), on Zoom (freely accessible to anyone, ID: 312 430 8960, PWD: 666666), and are embedded within the weekly seminar series of the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG), CAS. |
We are seeking submissions for an upcoming Special Issue titled ‘Human Wildlife Conflict and Coexistence in the context of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework’. Deadline for submission: 15 August 2023. | | | |