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2017-03-09: Searching in the forest for the tropical carbon sink
Update time: 2017-03-07
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Title:Searching in the forest for the tropical carbon sink 

Speaker: Prof. John Grace  The University of Edinburgh, UK  

Time: 4:30pm, Thursday,March 9, 2017                 

Venue: The first meeting room in Xishuangbanna Headquarters                

           The 101meeting room in Kunming Division (video conference)   


Professor John Grace is a celebrated specialist in forest flux,executive board member of Carbo Europe-IP,emeritus professor &senior research fellow of The University of Edinburgh, UK, former head of Institute of Atmospheric & Environmental Sciences,UK. 

Professor John Grace is accomplished in climatic change, terrestrial carbon cycle and carbon balance management, relationships between plant and atmosphere, rainforest, Savanna, ecological process of temperate forest.His main research direction: carbon flux in disturbed forests, carbon sink in tropical region, methane flux in tropical ecosystems, technological innovations of measurement instrumentation for plant- atmosphere. 

So far, more than 300 of his research articles were published,including top journals such as Nature.He has written three books as sole author,edited or co-edited seven academic monograph. 

Membership of external committees: 

External Member of Review Committee for Swedish Natural Science Research Council 

Member of the UK’s Forestry Research Co-ordination Committee 

Chairman Editorial Board Botanical Society of Scotland  

Member of the Executive Board of INTECOL, the International association for ecology. 

Member of Publications Committee, Royal Society of Edinburgh 


Recipient of BES Award (British Ecological Society) 2007 

Recipient of the Marsh Award for Climate Change Research (British Ecological Society) 2009 

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Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Menglun, Mengla, Yunnan 666303, China
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