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March 25-28th, 2017: ATBC Asia-Pacific Chapter Meeting 2017
Update time: 2017-01-06
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The Past, Present, and Future of Asian Biodiversity: XTBG, China 

March25-28 2017 

In 2006 the ATBC launched an Asia-Pacific Chapter at the ATBC annual meeting in Kunming to help promote tropical biology and conservation in the region. There have been regional meetings every year since then, and we have now seen a successful decade of the Asia-Pacific Chapter of the ATBC. The chapter aims to mirror the diversity of the region, with country representatives from countries across the region as part of the regional board, and ensuring the relevance to and participation of researchers from across the region. 

We represent the Northern limits of Asia-Pacific, a global diversity hotspot in addition to China's most diverse region! This year the ATBC-AP will focus on Biodiversity of the region, from understanding its evolution, to how to best conserve it under increasingly challenging conditions. The conference aims to stimulate discussion on thematic issues to regional conservation, and showcase the latest theories on the origin of the Asia-Pacific region's extraordinary diversity. We look forward to welcoming you to the Northern gateway to Asia-Pacific region, and look forward to learning from your perspectives. 

1. Time and location

March 25-28 2017 at the Royal Waterlily Hotel of Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG),  Menglun Township, Mengla County, Xishuangbanna, southern Yunnan Province, China. 

2. Theme and Sessions

General theme: The Past, Present, and Future of Asian Biodiversity 

Session 1: Patterns and processes of Biodiversity 

Session 2: Biogeography and evolution of Southeast Asian Biodiversity                       

Session 3: Addressing the threats to Southeast Asian Biodiversity 

Session 4: Sustainable use and production of natural resources 

3. Contents

A. Keynote Speakers 

50 minutes in total, including 30 minutes talk and 20 minutes of Q&A. 

B. Oral Sessions 

15 minutes in total. Please complete your talk in 12mintues to allow for 3 minutes of Q&A and changing over to the next speaker.  

C. Poster Session 

All the poster should be prepared in portrait orientation. We recommend you print your poster in standard A0 size (1189mm*841mm). 

4. Language

The working language during the workshop will be ENGLISH 

5. Important Date

Deadline for symposia submission: 15 November 2016 

Deadline for registration: 15 January 2016  

Deadline for abstract submission online due: 15 January 2016 

6. Registration

All participants should register online (http://atbcmeeting.csp.escience.cn/dct/page/65574), which will open on the 1 December 2016 and run until the 15 January 2017. 

7. Abstracts Submission

Submission time: Abstract submission will open on the 1 December 2016 and run until the 15 January 2017. 

How to submit: All abstracts should be submitted online (http://atbcmeeting.csp.escience.cn/dct/page/65574). Please register prior to submitting an abstract (the option to submit an abstract will be made available upon registering) and can either be submitted to a symposia directly or to an appropriate one of our four conference themes where they will be grouped with presentations in a similar theme to form symposia after abstract submission closes. 

Who should submit abstracts: All abstracts will be accepted as either a poster or an oral presentation except in exceptional circumstances. Full reimbursements will be given to anyone who's abstract is not accepted. 

Abstract demand: Abstracts should be prepared in English with a maximum of 300 words. Abstracts must not contain table, picture or diagrams. Abstracts should be thoroughly checked for spelling grammar.  

8. Registration fees

Registration fees can be paid online in either United States Dollar ($) or Chinese Yuan Renminbi () (depending which is convenient) and development status should be the status of your affiliation (countries classification see the list on ( http://ddl.escience.cn/f/De59 )). Registration fees are outlined below.  




Until Jan. 15th 


Jan. 16th - Feb. 16th 


From Feb. 17th 



 Developed Countries 

 1350 / $ 202.50 

 1525 / $ 228.75 

 1700 / $ 255.00 

Developing Countries 

850 / $ 127.50 

1025 / $ 153.75 

1200 / $ 180.00 

 Least developed Countries 

 750 / $112.50 

 925 / $ 138.75 

 1100 / $ 165.00 



 Developed Countries 

 1600 / $ 240.00 

1775 / $ 266.25 

 1950 / $ 292.50 

Developing Countries 

950 / $142.50 

1125 / $ 168.75 

1300 / $ 195.00 

 Least developed Countries 

 850 / $127.50 

1025 / $ 153.75 

 1200 / $ 180.00 








Developed Countries 

1100 / $ 165.00 

1275 / $  91.25 

1450 / $ 217.50 

 Developing Countries 

 800 / $ 120.00 

 975 / $ 146.25 

 1150 / $ 172.50 

Least developed Countries 

600 / $ 90.00 

775 / $ 116.25 

950 / $ 142.50 



Developed Countries 

1200 / $  180.00 

1375 / $  206.25 

1550 / $  232.50 

Developing Countries 

 900 / $  135.00 

 1075 / $  161.25 

 1250 / $  187.50 

Least developed Countries 

700 / $  105.00 

875 / $  131.25 

1050 / $  157.50 

* Please note, your registration will be confirmed only with your membership number. Members wanting to check their ATBC membership number please email Alice hughes (asia2@tropicalbio.org). 

It covers conference materials, reception, banquet, lunches, dinners, coffee breaks, local transportation. All payments for registration fees can be made on arrival at the registration desk and have to be made in cash. 

9. Training

Three different formats of training will be available during the conference.  

Skills sessions (free): Cover career-building skills such as presentation and communication, and conservation in practice. 

Mentoring (free): The mentoring aims to allow early career researchers to find a mentor who best matches the particular skills they need, and to work with them through the conference on areas which are of most value to them. 

Extended Workshops: The final selection of workshops is not yet available, but a tentative list of workshops based on our workshops last year are listed below. There will be a small fee to cover venue and catering costs during extended workshops, although we will do our utmost to keep this to a minimum. More details please see in (http://atbcmeeting.csp.escience.cn/dct/page/70018). 




1. Spatial Ecology (5 days) 

  29th Mar. - 2nd Apr. 

750.00 / $ 109.00 

2. Advanced Linear Modelling (Statistics) (6 days) 

  29th Mar. - 3rd Apr. 

900.00 / $ 131.00 

3. Innovative Education and Communication for Conservation (4 days) 

  29th Mar. - 1st Apr. 

600.00 / $ 87.00 

4.?Boot Camp in Wildlife Study Design and Data Analysis (12 days) 

  30th Mar. - 10th Apr. 

1080.00 / $ 157.00 

5. Conservation Drones (3 days) 

  23rd-25th Mar. 

450.00 / $ 65.00 

6. Camera Trapping in the Field (1 day) 

  25th Mar. 

150.00 /$ 22.00 

7. Advocacy and Conservation (2 days) 

  24th-25th Ma. 

300.00 / $ 44.00 

10. Methods of Payment

Credit cards: 

Visa, MasterCard, American Express and JCB. 

China Union Pay cards: 

like BOC, ABC, ICBC, CCB, BOCOM, CMBC, China Post... 

Bank transfer (Not recommended): 

XTBG's bank account information in English 

NAME OF BANK: Agricultural Bank of China, Yunnan Branch 

COMPLETE ADDRESS of BANK: No.1, Jinggang Street, Mengla Country, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, China 


ACCOUNT NUMBER: 24093201040000897 

COMPLETE ADDRESS OF ACCOUNT HOLDER: Menglun Town, Mengla County, Xishuangbanna, Yunnan Province, China 

* Write "ATBC-AC 2017" along with the your name in the place of "Message", email or fax the transfer record to cuiqinglan@xtbg.ac.cn or 86-691-8715070. 

* Please note to confirm the registration may take nearly 15 days by this way. So we strongly suggest you use credit cards or Chinabank. 

11. Program





















Coffee Break 

Coffee Break 

Coffee Break 










Lunches & Sessions 

Lunches & Sessions 

Lunches & Sessions 










Coffee Break 

Coffee Break 

Coffee Break 



Opening ceremony 






Opening Keynote 


Poster and reception 




Opening reception 

Optional nightwalk 

Conservation game 

Conference Dinner 



12. Hosts


Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) 

Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, CAS 

Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation 


Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, CAS 

13. Committees

Organizing Committee 

Chair:Chen Jin (Director, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, CAS,CHINA) 

Chair of Training: Alice Hughes (Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, CAS, CHINA); Liu Jingxin (Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, CAS, CHINA) 

Scientific committee: 

Principal investigator of Biodiversity Group(Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, CAS, CHINA); Alice Hughes (Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, CAS,CHINA) 

Members (Central themes lead) 

a). Patterns and processes of Biodiversity: 

Zhang Jiaolin (Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden,CAS, CHINA) 

Cao Kunfang (University of GuangXi, CHINA) 

Peng Yanqiong (Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden,CAS, CHINA) 

Tommasso Savini (King Mongkots University, THAILAND) 

Ma Keping (Institute of Botany, CAS, CHINA) 

Wei Fuwen (Institute of Zoology, CAS, CHINA) 

b). Biogeography and evolution of Southeast Asian Biodiversity: 

Fan Zexin & Su Tao (Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden,CAS, CHINA) 

Bob Spicer (The Open University,  BRITAIN) 

Lutz Kunzmann (Senckenberg Museum, GERMAN) 

Xing Yaowu (Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden,CAS, CHINA) 

c). Addressing the threats to Southeast Asian Biodiversity:  

Quan Ruichang (Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden,CAS, CHINA) 

Alice Hughes (Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden,CAS, CHINA) 

Ahimsa Campos-Arceiz (University of Nottingham, MALAYSIA) 

David Bickford (National University of Singapore, SINGAPORE) 

Antony Lynam (World Conservation Society) 

Mary Rose Posa (National University of Singapore, SINGAPORE) 

d). Sustainable use and production of natural resources:  

Xu Zengfu (Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden,CAS, CHINA) 

Peter Edward Mortimer (Kunming Institute of Botany, CAS, CHINA) 

Antge Arends (Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, BRITAIN) 

Yang Xuefei (Kunming Institute of Botany, CAS, CHINA) 

Xu Jianchu (Kunming Institute of Botany, CAS, CHINA) 

14. Contacts

For check your ATBC membership number please contact  

Alice Hughes: asia2@tropicalbio.org 

For longer trips please contact 

Dr. Sun Fei: apu.feisun@gmail.com 

For other issues please contact  

Cui Qinlan: cuiqinglan@xtbg.ac.cn; +86-13578120231 

Wang Sidi: wangsidi@xtbg.ac.cn; +86-15969528804 

Chen Jiyue: chenjy@xtbg.ac.cn; +0691-8715584 

Fax: 0691-8715070 


Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden 

Chinese Academy of Sciences 

Menglun, Mengla, Yunnan 666303, China 






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Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Menglun, Mengla, Yunnan 666303, China
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