Title: Spatial Ecology: XTBG Spatial analysis workshop 2016 Type: Workshop
Venue: Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), in the Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China
Dates: 18 – 23July 2016 (6 days)
Organiser: Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Registration: Registration is open until 8 July 2016
Sponsors: Centre for Integrative Conservation, Science Communication and Training Department of the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, CAS
Course Fee: RMB 1200
Accommodation,food and local transport: the fee will cover local transport, teaching materials, and food etc.,but will not cover accommodation. Participants are free to choose any hotel during the workshop, but we can help to get a discounted price if participants choose to stay in the Jinjiangyuan Holiday Inn 勐腊金江源假日酒店 in the town (http://hotels.ctrip.com/hotel/909640.html#ctmref=hodhpsblst or the Royal Waterlily Hotel 王莲宾馆in XTBG(http://www.royalwaterlilyhotel.com).
About: The aim of the workshop is to teach participants how to use GIS software and understand how to develop analyses which best utilise spatial approaches. We will go through various GIS techniques, and learn how we can simulate the environment at an ecologically relevant and adaptable spatial-temporal scale for any given study. From this will move onto modelling approaches, and use techniques which explore the relationship between organisms and environmental conditions. We will then use various spatial statistical approaches to further explore the data.
Students will then be expected to build their own spatial ecological study, using their own data and with the support and guidance to develop a rigorous approach to understanding their data from a novel perspective.
The workshop is targeted for graduate students, professionals and well trained practitioners
Topics: ArcGis and QGIS, Basic GIS, GPS and GIS, Experimental design, Projections, datum and coordinate systems, Remote sensing, Creating data layers, Changing resolutions, Finding data, Standardisation and quality, Databasing, Species distribution modelling, Understanding environmental change, Spatial statistics
Students’ number: 30 maximum
Instructors: Associate Professor Alice Hughes
If you have any questions about the course,
please email liujx@xtbg.org.cn,and/or ach_conservation@hotmail.com