Title: Scientific Paper Writing: XTBG Advanced Workshop 2016
Venue: Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG), Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), in the Xishuangbanna Dai Autonomous Prefecture, Yunnan Province, China
Dates: 22–31 May 2016 (10 days)
Organiser: Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Registration: application will be closed at 10 May 2016
Sponsors: Centre for Integrative Conservation and Science Communication and Training Department of the Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, CAS
Registration fee: RMB 2,000
Accommodation,food and local transport: the fee will cover local transport, teaching materials, and food etc.,but will not cover accommodation. Participants are free to choose any hotel during the workshop, but we can help to get a discounted price if participants choose to stay in the Jinjiangyuan Holiday Inn 勐腊金江源假日酒店 in the town(http://hotels.ctrip.com/hotel/909640.html#ctmref=hodhpsblst or the Royal Waterlily Hotel 王莲宾馆 in XTBG(http://www.royalwaterlilyhotel.com).
About the workshop: The writing workshop aims to teach the knowledge and skills needed to publish scientific papers in international journals, with a focus on the biological and environmental sciences.It will cover the entire process,from preparing to submitting a scientific research paper, and dealing with reviewer comments, as well as scientific writing skills. It will also teach how to write reviews, as well as opinionand perspective articles.
Participants should come prepared to write one or more papers (with research results in hand). The workshop will mix lectures, demonstrations and writing sessions, followed by feedback from experienced scientists and journal editors. The timetable will be flexible.
Major topics: Modern scientific publishing, plagiarism and publication ethics, choosing a journal, impact factors, what editors and reviewers want, scientific writing skills, writing abstracts, presentation of statistical analyses, scientific graphics, writing review articles, other article types, the submission process,cover letters, responding to reviewer comments, maximizing citations.
Target: The workshop is targeted at young scientists (PhD candidates and early career researchers) from Chinese Organizations, with limited previous experience of publishing scientific papers in international journals.
Student number: a maximum of 20
Instructors: XTBG staff.
If you have any questions about the workshop, please email liujx@xtbg.org.cn, and/or corlett@xtbg.org.cn
URL: http://www.pfs-tropasia.org/2016/04/scientific-paper-writing-xtbg-advanced-workshop-2016-calls-for-applicants/