The One-day Symposium on ‘Forest Fragmentation in Xishuangbanna and its Implications for Biodiversity’ is to be held on September 23rd, 2014 at XTBG.
The Symposium will be an opportunity for XTBG staff and students to give short (15 minutes) presentations about their own research on forest fragmentation and related areas, such as environmentally friendly rubber plantations, and to hear what other people are doing. The intention is to assess the state of fragmentation research in Xishuangbanna and to facilitate new collaborations. We also hope to encourage discussion of practical conservation issues.
Research can be also presented in Chinese. We encourage all the researchers, working on fragmentation, to present their results.
Please let us know if you are interested in giving a presentation.
Daniele Cicuzza
Zhang Ming Xia
Christos Mammides