Time : June 4-7 2012
Venue: Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Menglun, Yunnan, China
This small workshop will be organized in two sessions: a series of lectures and discussions with all participants, followed by two days of focused analysis of participant data. The Ecological Evolution group at XTBG has whole genome Illumina sequence data from numerous species of tropical tree, primarily in the genus Ficus (figs) and the family Fagaceae (oaks, stone oaks, chestnuts and beeches) and has several analyses and collaborations in progress. The group has primarily been developing reference-free analyses of this data from comparative and phylogenetic purposes.
The following participants have been confirmed:
Confirmed participants and their expertise
Chuck CANNON, XTBG and Texas Tech University
- Reference-free analytical approaches
- Tropical biodiversity and forests
Graham STONE, Edinburgh
- gall wasps
- transcriptomics
RUAN Jue, Beijing Institute of Genomics
- de novo analysis of next-gen data
SHI Su-Hua, San Yat Sen University, Guangzhou
- comparative genomics of mangrove species
WU Chung-I, Beijing Institute of Genomics, Beijing
- population genetics and diversification
Yann SURGET-GROBA, University of California, Santa Cruz and XTBG
- transcriptomes and biodiversity
YU Jun, Beijing Institute of Genomics
- biotechnology and next-gen sequencing
At the moment, we can still accept 4-5 additional participants but you must contact us before April 21st, 2011, when the participant list will be finalized. Please contact Chai-Shian KUA (kuacs@xtbg.ac.cn ) or Chuck CANNON (chuck@xtbg.ac.cn) to register.
Fees, due upon arrival
950 RMB for scientists from China and 550 USD for foreign scientists
500 RMB for students from China and 250 USD for foreign students
Accommodation: 200 RMB per night at the XTBG garden hotel. Other accommodation options are also available around XTBG
Field Trip : 200 RMB
For more information, please visit: www.ecologicalevolution.org/training