Seventh International Fig Symposium
Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, 23—26 July 2006
Hosted by
Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Venue: Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG), Yunnan, China Organizing committee: Yan-Qiong Peng, Jean-Yves Rasplus and Rhett Harrison
Program 23 July (Sunday): Arrival of participants, registration, and evening reception. 24 July (Monday): Opening ceremony, presentations, and afternoon tour of figs in Green Stone forest. 25 July (Tuesday): Presentations and evening BBQ. 26 July (Wednesday): Presentations, discussion and closing ceremony. Afternoon tour of figs in rainforest and Dai villages, and symposium dinner. 27 July (Thursday): Tour of local scenic spots(Dai Garden and other sites of natural history interest)(Stay at Jinghong city).
Please note that the annual meeting of the Association for Tropical Biology and Conservation will take place in Kunming from 18-21 July 2006 (

Registration Registration fee: US$ 300 (Students US$ 150; partners not attending the meeting US$ 200), covers your all costs in Xishuangbanna, including conference materials, accommodation in the facilities of XTBG, all meals, symposium dinner, and conference tours. Participants are requested to register with us by sending an email to Yan-qiong Peng ( with your name, affiliation, address, and email address, by 31th March 2006. The registration fee will be collected in cash at the start of the meeting. We are currently applying for funds to provide travel bursaries for a limited number of participants from developing countries. Please contact Yan-qiong Peng ( for further information.
Guidelines for oral & poster presentations We invite all colleagues to submit a presentation. For oral presentations participants are advised to prepare a 30 minute PowerPoint presentation, including approximately 5 minutes for questions and discussion. Oral presentations can be submitted on a specific symposium topic or independently. Posters should be 120 cm wide x 80 cm tall, or smaller. Abstracts for both oral and poster presentations should include title, author(s), institute(s), corresponding address(es), and keywords, and should be 300-500 words long. Please submit abstracts to Rhett Harrison ( by 30th April 2006. Anyone interested in organizing a special session please contact Rhett Harrison with your suggested topic and a list of speakers.
Symposium proceedings We will be arranging the publication of the proceedings of the symposium as a special issue in a suitable journal. Anyone interested in assisting with the production of the proceedings should contact Rhett Harrison ( or Da-Wei Huang (
Travel Visas The visa entry requirements for China vary according to your country of origin. Please contact the Embassy or consulate of China in your respective country for further details. If you require a letter of invitation please inform Yan-Qiong Peng ( and we will arrange to have one sent.
Travel information You can fly to Xishuangbanna International Airport, 4 km south of JingHong City and 70 km from XTBG either via Bangkok or Chiang Mai in Thailand, or via a domestic flight from airports in China. Kunming is a 40 minutes flight or 750 km by road (10 hours by bus) from Xishuangbanna. Please make your own travel arrangements and inform Yan-Qiong Peng ( of your arrival details. We will arrange transport from Xishuangbanna International Airport or the bus station in JingHong City to XTBG. Please also note that we will arrange your accommodation at XTBG.
It is possible to change money at banks (cash or travelers checks), US dollars are accepted in Jinghong City, and major credit cards are accepted at mostgood hotels, restaurants, and travel services.
For independent travel before or after the symposium we recommend you contact Travel Services ( or inquire at the Travel Service at XTBG during the meeting. |