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Faculty and Staff
CHEN Chunfeng
Academic title:
Assocaite Professor
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Mailing Address:
XTBG, Menglun, Mengla, 666303, Yunnan, China



2013/092019/06. Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden, University of Chinese Academic of Sciences, Doctor Degree of Ecology.  

2009/092013/06, School of Geographical Sciences, Fujian Normal University, Bachelor Degree of Ecology;  

Work experiences 

2022/08 – now,   Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden,  Associate Professor.  

2019/08 – 2022/08,   Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden,  Assistant Professor.  

Research interests   

Soil restoration of rubber forest, soil and water conservation, carbon nitrogen water cycle 

Research direction   

Tropical climate-plant-soil-soil animal/microbial interactions, soil and water conservation, carbon nitrogen water cycle, and soil carbon sequestration potential. 


2022: “Xingdian Talent Support Program” of Yunnan Province; 

2021: "Excellent Doctoral Dissertation in Yunnan Province", Yunnan Provincial Department of Education; 

2019: "President's Excellence Award" of Chinese Academy of Sciences; 

 "Outstanding Graduate" of University of Chinese Academy of Sciences and Beijing Municipal Education Commission 

2015: "National Scholarship for Postgraduate Students", Ministry of Education of the People's Republic of China 


(1) Chen CF*, Zou X, Singh AK, Zhu XA, Zhang WJ, Yang B, Jiang XJ*, Liu WJ*. Effects of hillslope position on soil water infiltration and preferential flow in tropical forest in southwest China. Journal of Environmental Management, 2021, 299:113672. 

(2) Chen CF, Liu WJ*, Wu JE, Jiang XJ*. Spatio-temporal variations of carbon and nitrogen in biogenic structures of two fungus-growing termites (M. annandalei and O. yunnanensis) in the Xishuangbanna region. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 2018, 117: 125-134. 

(3) Chen CF, Zou X, Wu JE, Zhu XA, Jiang XJ, Zhang WJ, Zeng HH, Liu WJ*. Accumulation and spatial homogeneity of nutrients within termite (Odontotermes yunnanensis) mounds in the Xishuangbanna region, SW China. Catena, 2021, 198: 105057. 

(4) Chen CF, Wu JE, Zhu XA, Jiang XJ, Liu WJ*, Zeng HH, Meng FR. Hydrological characteristics and functions of termite mounds in areas with clear dry and rainy seasons. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2019, 277: 25-35. 

(5) Chen CF, Liu WJ*, Wu JE, Jiang XJ*, Zhu XA. Can intercropping with the cash crop help improve the soil physico-chemical properties of rubber plantations? Geoderma, 2019, 335: 149-160. 

(6) Chen CF, Liu WJ*, Jiang XJ*, Wu JE. Effects of rubber-based agroforestry systems on soil aggregation and associated soil organic carbon: implications for land use. Geoderma, 2017, 299: 13-24. 

(7) Chen CF, Zou X, Singh AK, Zhu XA, Jiang XJ, Wu JE*, Liu WJ*. Effects of grazing exclusion on soil hydrological functions in savannah livestock grazing systems. Land Degradation & Development, 2022, 33(16), 3010-3022. 

(8) Wu JE*, Zeng HH, Zhao F, Chen CF*, Singh AK, Jiang XJ, Yang B, Liu WJ*. Plant hydrological niches become narrow but stable as the complexity of interspecific competition increases. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2022, 320: 108953. 

(9) Zou X, Zhu XA, Zhu P, Singh AK, Zakari S, Chen CF*, Liu WJ*. Soil quality assessment of different Hevea brasiliensis plantations in tropical China. Journal of Environmental Management, 2021, 285:112147. 

(10) Zhu XA*, Jiang XJ, Singh AK, Zeng HH, Chen CF*, Lu EF, Liu WJ. Reduced litterfall and decomposition alters nutrient cycling following conversion of tropical natural forests to rubber plantations. Ecological Indicators, 2022, 138:108819. 

(11) Ji SY, Omar SI, Zhang S, Wang T, Chen CF*, Zhang WJ*. Comprehensive evaluation of throughfall erosion in the banana plantation. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. 2022, 47(12), 2941-2949. 

(12) Singh AK*, Zhu XA, Chen CF, Wu JE, Yang B, Zakari S, Jiang XJ, Singh N, Liu WJ*. The role of glomalin in mitigation of multiple soil degradation problems. Critical Reviews in Environmental Science & Technology, 2022, 52:1604-1638. 

(13) Wu JE, Liu WJ*, Chen CF. Can intercropping with the world’s three major beverage plants help improve the water use of rubber trees? Journal of Applied Ecology, 2016, 53: 1787-1799. 

(14) Wu JE, Liu WJ*, Chen CF. How do plants share water sources in a rubber-tea agroforestry system during the pronounced dry season? Agriculture, Ecosystems and Environment, 2017, 236: 69-77. 

(15) Jiang XJ, Chen CF, Zhu XA, Zakari S, Singh AK, Zhang WJ, Zeng HH, Yuan ZQ, He CG, Yu SQ, Liu WJ*. Use of dye infiltration experiments and HYDRUS-3D to interpret preferential flow in soil in a rubber-based agroforestry systems in Xishuangbanna, China. Catena, 2019, 178: 120-131. 

(16) Zhu XA, Chen CF, Wu JE, Yang JB, Zhang WJ, Zou X, Liu WJ*, Jiang XJ*. Can intercrops improve soil water infiltrability and preferential flow in rubber-based agroforestry system? Soil & Tillage Research, 2019, 191: 327-339. 

(17) Zakari S#, Jiang XJ#, Zhu XA, Liu WJ*, Allakonon MGB, Singh AK, Chen CF, Zou X, Akponikpè PBI, Dossa GGO, Yang B. Influence of sulfur amendments on heavy metals phytoextraction from agricultural contaminated soils: a meta-analysisEnvironmental Pollution, 2021, 288:117820. 

(18) Zhu XA, Liu WJ, Yuan X, Chen CF, Zhu K, Zhang WJ, YangB*. Aggregate stability and size distribution regulate rainsplash erosion: Evidence from a humid tropical soil under different land-use regimes. Geoderma, 2022, 420: 115880. 

(19) Jiang XJ*, Liu WJ*, Chen CF, Liu JQ, Yuan ZQ, Jin BC, Yu XY. Effects of three morphometric features of roots on soil water flow behavior in three sites in China. Geoderma, 2018, 320:161-171. 

(20) Wu JE, Zeng HH, Zhao F, Chen CF, Liu WJ*, Yang B, Zhang WJ. Recognizing the role of plant species compositions in the modification of soil nutrient and water in the rubber agroforestry systems. Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 723:138042. 


Commitment to research the situation:

(1) Effects of natural succession of rubber forest on soil aggregate stability and soil carbon sequestration and fertility, National, 2021-2023; 

(2) Effects of different rubber planting patterns on soil structure and ecological stoichiometric characteristics, Provincial and Ministerial Level, 2022-2025;  

(3) Soil aggregate stability and water transport characteristics of the savanna shrub tussock ecosystem in the Yuanjiang River, China, 2020-2023;  

(4) Isotope-based study on slope water cycle of typical tropical monsoon rain forest in Luosojiang River Basin, Participation, National Level, 2022-2025;  

(5) Study on the formation and maintenance mechanism of Picea lijiangensis hybrid zone, Participation, National Level, 2020-2023; 

 (6) Mechanisms of competition and coexistence of plant water and nutrients in complex rubber farm complex systems, Participation, National Level, 2019-2021.