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TAN Yunhong
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XTBG, Menglun, Mengla, 666303, Yunnan, China


Plant taxonomy; plant diversity



1.Shen SK, Ding HB, Tan YH: Nothapodytes burmanica (Icacinaceae), a new species from Kachin State, Myanmar. Nordic Journal of Botany 2024, 2024(3). 

2.Yang YJW, Lin L, Tan YH, Deng M: How Climate Change Impacts the Distribution of Lithocarpus hancei (Fagaceae), a Dominant Tree in East Asian Montane Cloud Forests. Forests 2023, 14(5). 

3.Yang B, Zuo YJ, Li M, Quan DL, Wang L, Zhou SS, He G, Tan YH: Primula weimingii (Primulaceae), a new species from Yunnan, China. Taiwania 2023, 68(4):435-438. 

4.Yang B, Ya JD, Zhang W, Song Y, Wang W, Zhu ZM, He JH, Zuo YJ, Tan YH: Two new species of Primula (Primulaceae) from Yunnan, China. Taiwania 2023, 68(2):230-240. 

5.Yang B, Ya JD, Zhang W, Song Y, Wang W, Zhu ZM, He JH, Zuo YJ, Tan YH: Two new species of Primula (Primulaceae) from Yunnan, China. Taiwania 2023, 68(2):230-240. 

6.Yang B, Wang LY, Yue MM, Ma XD, Yang YJW, Ma JN, Gong QB, Zuo YJ, Tan YH: Agapetes lihengiana (Ericaceae), a new species from Yunnan, China. Taiwania 2023, 68(3):355-358. 

7.Yang B, Li JY, Yang RJ, Ding HB, Deng M, Xiao CF, Zuo YJ, Tan YH: Two new species of Polyalthiopsis (Annonaceae) based on morphological characters and phylogenetic evidence, with a supplementary description of P. chinensis from China. Plant Diversity 2023, 45(2):185-198. 

8.Yang B, Li JY, Yang RJ, Ding HB, Deng M, Xiao CF, Zuo YJ, Tan YH: Two new species of Polyalthiopsis (Annonaceae) based on morphological characters and phylogenetic evidence, with a supplementary description of P. chinensis from China. Plant Diversity 2023, 45(2):185-198. 

9.Shang H, Xue ZQ, Liang ZL, Kessler M, Pollawatn R, Lu NT, Gu YF, Fan XP, Tan YH, Zhang L et al: Splitting one species into 22: an unusual tripling of molecular, morphological, and geographical differentiation in the fern family Didymochlaenaceae (Polypodiales). Cladistics 2023, 39(4):273-292. 

10.Maw MB, Hein KZ, Naing MK, Yu WB, Tan YH: Taxonomic studies on Begonia (Begoniaceae) in Myanmar III: Begonia kayinensis (sect. Monophyllon), a remarkable new species from Kayin State, Southern Myanmar. Taiwania 2023, 68(4):407-411. 

11.Ding HB, Quan DL, Zeng XD, Zhao JC, Tan YH: A new stoloniferous species of Begonia Begoniaceae from Yunnan, China. Nordic Journal of Botany 2023, 2023(6). 

12.Ding HB, Quan DL, Zeng XD, Zhao JC, Tan YH: A new stoloniferous species of Begonia Begoniaceae from Yunnan, China. Nordic Journal of Botany 2023, 2023(6). 

13.Ding HB, Ma Y, Tan YH: Zingiber longii (Zingiberaceae), a new species from Southeast Yunnan, China. Taiwania 2023, 68(3):298-302. 

14.Ding H, Wang L, Quan D, Yang B, Yue M, Wang P, Yang Y, Gong Q, Zhou S, Wang L et al: Additions to the seed plant flora in Yunnan, China. Biodiversity Science 2023, 31(10). 

15.Zhu H, Tan YH: Flora and Vegetation of Yunnan, Southwestern China: Diversity, Origin and Evolution. Diversity-Basel 2022, 14(5). 

16.Yang B, Ya JD, Tong YH, Wang PY, Liu C, Zhao WL, Liu Z, Tan YH: Agapetes huangiana (Ericaceae), a new species from Southeast Xizang, China. Taiwania 2022, 67(2):254-259. 

17.Yang B, Ya JD, Tong YH, Wang PY, Liu C, Zhao WL, Liu Z, Tan YH: Agapetes huangiana (Ericaceae), a new species from Southeast Xizang, China. Taiwania 2022, 67(2):254-259. 

18.Wang G, Ives AR, Zhu H, Tan YH, Chen SC, Yang J, Wang B: Phylogenetic conservatism explains why plants are more likely to produce fleshy fruits in the tropics. Ecology 2022, 103(1). 

19.Tong YH, Fritsch PW, Tan YH, Aung MM, Yang B, Armstrong KE: Novelties in Myanmar Agapetes (Ericaceae) with an updated checklist of species from the country. Nordic Journal of Botany 2022, 2022(4). 

20.Meng HH, Zhang CY, Song YG, Yu XQ, Cao GL, Li L, Cai CN, Xiao JH, Zhou SS, Tan YH et al: Opening a door to the spatiotemporal history of plants from the tropical Indochina Peninsula to subtropical China. Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 2022, 171. 

21.Meng HH, Zhang CY, Low SL, Li L, Shen JY, Nurainas, Zhang Y, Huang PH, Zhou SS, Tan YH et al: Two new species from Sulawesi and Borneo facilitate phylogeny and taxonomic revision of Engelhardia (Juglandaceae). Plant Diversity 2022, 44(6):552-564. 

22.Ma XD, Xing YW, Tan YH, Li JW, Zhou SS, Ding HB, Shen JY: Ceropegia jilongensis, a new species of Apocynaceae from Xizang, China. Taiwania 2022, 67(1):93-96. 

23.Ma XD, Xing YW, Tan YH, Li JW, Zhou SS, Ding HB, Shen JY: p Ceropegia jilongensis, a new species of Apocynaceae from Xizang, China. Taiwania 2022, 67(1):93-96. 

24.Liu C, Hu XJ, Zhang JP, Yu WB, Tan YH: Two new species of Pentasacme (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae) from Yunnan, China. Taiwania 2022, 67(3):326-334. 

25.Liu C, Chen HH, Tang LZ, Khine PK, Han LH, Song Y, Tan YH: Plastid genome evolution of a monophyletic group in the subtribe Lauriineae (Laureae, Lauraceae). Plant Diversity 2022, 44(4):377-388. 

26.Lin ZL, Tan YH, Huang YF, Deng YF: Rungia fangdingiana (Acanthaceae), a new species from Guangxi, China. Phytokeys 2022(202):97-105. 

27.Lin ZL, Tan YH, Huang YF, Deng YF: Rungia fangdingiana (Acanthaceae), a new species from Guangxi, China. Phytokeys 2022(202):97-105. 

28.Hu L, Le XG, Zhou SS, Zhang CY, Tan YH, Ren Q, Meng HH, Cun YP, Li J: Conservation Significance of the Rare and Endangered Tree Species, Trigonobalanus doichangensis (Fagaceae). Diversity-Basel 2022, 14(8). 

29.Hu CC, Liu XY, Yan YX, Lei YB, Tan YH, Liu CQ: A new isotope framework to decipher leaf-root nitrogen allocation and assimilation among plants in a tropical invaded ecosystem. Science of the Total Environment 2022, 806. 

30.Gong YX, Ding HB, Yan XS, Wen F, Tian YH, Tan YH: Oreocharis polyneura, a new species of Gesneriaceae from southern Yunnan, China. Phytokeys 2022(214):7-15. 

31.Gong YX, Ding HB, Yan XS, Wen F, Tian YH, Tan YH: Oreocharis polyneura, a new species of Gesneriaceae from southern Yunnan, China. Phytokeys 2022(214):7-15. 

32.Dong ZH, Qu SH, Landrein S, Yu WB, Xin J, Zhao WZ, Song Y, Tan YH, Xin PY: Increasing Taxa Sampling Provides New Insights on the Phylogenetic Relationship Between Eriobotrya and Rhaphiolepis. Frontiers in Genetics 2022, 13. 

33.Ding HB, Hu XR, Gong YX, Li YK, Liu HZ, Luo GQ, Tan YH: Begonia longlingensis, a new species of Begonia (Begoniaceae) from Yunnan, China. Taiwania 2022, 67(3):377-379. 

34.Ding HB, Hu XR, Gong YX, Li YK, Liu HZ, Luo GQ, Tan YH: Begonia longlingensis, a new species of Begonia (Begoniaceae) from Yunnan, China. Taiwania 2022, 67(3):377-379. 

35.Ding HB, Gong YX, Tan YH: Globba depingiana (Zingiberaceae), a new species from Yunnan, China. Annales Botanici Fennici 2022, 59(1):57-60. 

36.Ding HB, Gong YX, Tan YH: Globba depingiana (Zingiberaceae), a new species from Yunnan, China. Annales Botanici Fennici 2022, 59(1):57-60. 

37.Ding H, Zhou S, Li J, Shen J, Ma X, Huang J, Song Y, Wen X, Lei M, Tu Y et al: Additions to the seed plant flora in Xizang,China. Biodiversity Science 2022, 30(8). 

38.Zhu H, Ashton P, Gu BJ, Zhou SS, Tan YH: Tropical deciduous forest in Yunnan, southwestern China: Implications for geological and climatic histories from a little-known forest formation. Plant Diversity 2021, 43(6):444-451. 

39.Zhou Z, Guo YJ, Yue JP, Chen HH, Tan YH, Sun H: Amblyanthus chenii (Primulaceae), a New Species and Generic Record from Xizang, China. Systematic Botany 2021, 46(1):152-161. 

40.Yao X, Song Y, Yang JB, Tan YH, Corlett RT: Phylogeny and biogeography of the hollies (Ilex L., Aquifoliaceae). Journal of Systematics and Evolution 2021, 59(1):73-82. 

41.Yang B, Wang PY, Tong YH, Tan YH: Taxonomic notes on Agapetes (Ericaceae) from Xizang, China: Agapetes leiocarpa, a new synonym of A. atrosanguinea, and an updated description of A. camelliifolia. Phytotaxa 2021, 524(2):119-124. 

42.Yang B, Wang PY, Tong YH, Tan YH: Taxonomic notes on Agapetes (Ericaceae) from Xizang, China: Agapetes leiocarpa, a new synonym of A. atrosanguinea, and an updated description of A. camelliifolia. Phytotaxa 2021, 524(2):119-124. 

43.Xue BN, Shao YY, Xiao CF, Liu MF, Li YQ, Tan YH: Meiogyne oligocarpa (Annonaceae), a new species from Yunnan, China. Peerj 2021, 9. 

44.Xue BN, Shao YY, Xiao CF, Liu MF, Li YQ, Tan YH: Meiogyne oligocarpa (Annonaceae), a new species from Yunnan, China. Peerj 2021, 9. 

45.Xue B, Li JW, Liao JJ, Mo MZ, Tan YH, Chen YS: Trivalvaria tomentosa (Annonaceae), a new species from Southeast Yunnan, China. Nordic Journal of Botany 2021, 39(8). 

46.Xue B, Li JW, Liao JJ, Mo MZ, Tan YH, Chen YS: Trivalvaria tomentosa (Annonaceae), a new species from Southeast Yunnan, China. Nordic Journal of Botany 2021, 39(8). 

47.Wang L, Yang B, Bai Y, Lu XQ, Corlett RT, Tan YH, Chen XY, Zhu JG, Liu Y, Quan RC: Conservation planning on China's borders with Myanmar, Laos, and Vietnam. Conservation Biology 2021, 35(6):1797-1808. 

48.Tan YH, Min DZ, Ding HB, Yang B, Maw MB, Li B: Premna caridantha (Lamiaceae: Permnoideae), a distinct new species from Kachin State, northern Myanmar. Phytotaxa 2021, 490(1):107-113. 

49.Tan YH, Min DZ, Ding HB, Yang B, Maw MB, Li B: Premna caridantha (Lamiaceae: Permnoideae), a distinct new species from Kachin State, northern Myanmar. Phytotaxa 2021, 490(1):107-113. 

50.Song ZQ, Pan B, Zhang T, Tan YH, Zhang YS, Yang ZW, Xu DX: Millettia puerarioides Prain (Fabaceae: Millettieae), a species with cauliflorous inflorescences newly recorded from China. Phytotaxa 2021, 507(2):183-190. 

51.Maw MB, Ding HB, Yang B, Wino PP, Tan YH: Taxonomic studies on Begonia (Begoniaceae) in Myanmar II: seven new species from Myanmar. Taiwania 2021, 66(2):214-231. 

52.Maw MB, Ding HB, Yang B, Wino PP, Tan YH: Taxonomic studies on Begonia (Begoniaceae) in Myanmar II: seven new species from Myanmar. Taiwania 2021, 66(2):214-231. 

53.Le CT, Lin QW, Tan YH, Zhu RB, Hao YQ, Liu B: The identity of Buchanania yunnanensis, as a new synonym of Spondias pinnata (Anacardiaceae). Phytotaxa 2021, 528(3):209-214. 

54.Ding HB, Xiong KC, Yang B, Yin JT, Bouamanivon S, Tan YH: New species and taxonomic notes of Aspidistra (Asparagaceae) for the flora of China and Laos. Taiwania 2021, 66(4):439-449. 

55.Ding HB, Xiong KC, Yang B, Yin JT, Bouamanivon S, Tan YH: New species and taxonomic notes of Aspidistra (Asparagaceae) for the flora of China and Laos. Taiwania 2021, 66(4):439-449. 

56.Ding HB, Quan DL, Zeng XD, Li JW, Tan YH: Zingiber calcicola (Zingiberaceae), a new species from a limestone area in south Yunnan, China. Phytotaxa 2021, 525(1):65-69. 

57.Ding HB, Quan DL, Zeng XD, Li JW, Tan YH: Zingiber calcicola (Zingiberaceae), a new species from a limestone area in south Yunnan, China. Phytotaxa 2021, 525(1):65-69. 

58.Chen J, Zeng LY, Zeng SJ, Tan YH, Xia NH: Taxonomic studies on the Chinese Costaceae I: a new name and two new combinations. Phytotaxa 2021, 512(3):159-168. 

59.Zhu H, Tan YH, Yan LC, Liu FY: Flora of the Savanna-like Vegetation in Hot Dry Valleys, Southwestern China with Implications to their Origin and Evolution. Botanical Review 2020, 86(3-4):281-297. 

60.Zhao MX, Wang HY, Yin ZJ, Wang MJ, Yang JC, Tan YH: Hoya gaoligongensis (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae), a new species from Yunnan, SW China. Phytotaxa 2020, 459(3):219-226. 

61.Zhao MX, Wang HY, Yin ZJ, Wang MJ, Yang JC, Tan YH: Hoya gaoligongensis (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae), a new species from Yunnan, SW China. Phytotaxa 2020, 459(3):219-226. 

62.Zhang CY, Low SL, Song YG, Nurainas, Kozlowski G, Do TV, Li L, Zhou SS, Tan YH, Cao GL et al: Shining a light on species delimitation in the tree genus Engelhardia Leschenault ex Blume (Juglandaceae). Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution 2020, 152. 

63.Yang B, Zhu RB, Ding HB, Bouamanivong S, Tan YH: A new species and two new records of Goniothalamus (Annonaceae) from Lao PDR. Phytokeys 2020(138):17-25. 

64.Yang B, Zhu RB, Ding HB, Bouamanivong S, Tan YH: A new species and two new records of Goniothalamus (Annonaceae) from Lao PDR. Phytokeys 2020(138):17-25. 

65.Yang B, Deng M, Zhang MX, Moe AZ, Ding HB, Maw MB, Win PP, Corlett RT, Tan YH: Contributions to the flora of Myanmar from 2000 to 2019. Plant Diversity 2020, 42(4):292-301. 

66.Xue BN, Ding HB, Yao G, Shao YY, Fan XJ, Tan YH: From Polyalthia to Polyalthiopsis (Annonaceae): transfer of species enlarges a previously monotypic genus. Phytokeys 2020(148):71-91. 

67.Xue BN, Ding HB, Yao G, Shao YY, Fan XJ, Tan YH: From Polyalthia to Polyalthiopsis (Annonaceae): transfer of species enlarges a previously monotypic genus. Phytokeys 2020(148):71-91. 

68.Win PP, Li X, Chen LQ, Tan YH, Yu WB: Complete plastid genome of two Dalbergia species (Fabaceae), and their significance in conservation and phylogeny. Mitochondrial DNA Part B-Resources 2020, 5(2):1967-1969. 

69.Song Y, Yu WB, Tan YH, Jin JJ, Wang B, Yang JB, Liu B, Corlett RT: Plastid phylogenomics improve phylogenetic resolution in the Lauraceae. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 2020, 58(4):423-439. 

70.Maw MB, Ding HB, Yang B, Win PP, Tan YH: Taxonomic studies on Begonia (Begoniaceae) in Myanmar I: three new species and supplementary description of Begonia rheophytica from Northern Myanmar. Phytokeys 2020(138):203-217. 

71.Maw MB, Ding HB, Yang B, Win PP, Tan YH: Taxonomic studies on Begonia (Begoniaceae) in Myanmar I: three new species and supplementary description of Begonia rheophytica from Northern Myanmar. Phytokeys 2020(138):203-217. 

72.Liu B, Tan YH, Liu S, Olmstead RG, Min DZ, Chen ZD, Joshee N, Vaidya BN, Chung RCK, Li B: Phylogenetic relationships of Cyrtandromoea and Wightia revisited: A new tribe in Phrymaceae and a new family in Lamiales. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 2020, 58(1):1-17. 

73.Li L, Tan YH, Meng HH, Ma H, Li J: Two new species of Alseodaphnopsis (Lauraceae) from southwestern China and northern Myanmar: evidence from morphological and molecular analyses. Phytokeys 2020(138):27-39. 

74.Hao CY, Wu BD, Qin XW, Wu G, Deng HY, Tan YH: Morphological and molecular evidence for a new species from China: Piper semi-transparens (Piperaceae). Phytotaxa 2020, 429(3):191-199. 

75.Hao CY, Wu BD, Qin XW, Wu G, Deng HY, Tan YH: Morphological and molecular evidence for a new species from China: Piper semi-transparens (Piperaceae). Phytotaxa 2020, 429(3):191-199. 

76.Ding HB, Yang B, Wang PY, Gan ZL, Yan G, Lu XQ, Tan YH: Alangium confertiflorum, a new species of Alangium sect. Alangium (Cornaceae) from China-Laos transboundary region. Taiwania 2020, 65(4):517-520. 

77.Ding HB, Yang B, Wang PY, Gan ZL, Yan G, Lu XQ, Tan YH: Alangium confertiflorum, a new species of Alangium sect. Alangium (Cornaceae) from China-Laos transboundary region. Taiwania 2020, 65(4):517-520. 

78.Ding HB, Yang B, Maw YON, Win YYE, Tan YH: A new species and two new combinations of Monolophus (Zingiberaceae) from Indo-Burma. Phytokeys 2020(138):155-162. 

79.Ding HB, Yang B, Maw YON, Win YYE, Tan YH: A new species and two new combinations of Monolophus (Zingiberaceae) from Indo-Burma. Phytokeys 2020(138):155-162. 

80.Ding HB, Yang B, Maw MB, Win PP, Tan YH: Taxonomic studies on Amomum Roxburgh s.l. ( Zingiberaceae) in Myanmar II: one new species and five new records for the flora of Myanmar. Phytokeys 2020(138):139-153. 

81.Ding HB, Yang B, Maw MB, Win PP, Tan YH: Taxonomic studies on Amomum Roxburgh s.l. ( Zingiberaceae) in Myanmar II: one new species and five new records for the flora of Myanmar. Phytokeys 2020(138):139-153. 

82.Ding HB, Yang B, Lu XQ, Tan YH: Zingiber porphyrochilum (Zingiberaceae), a new species from Yunnan, China. Annales Botanici Fennici 2020, 57(4-6):197-201. 

83.Ding HB, Yang B, Lu XQ, Tan YH: Zingiber porphyrochilum (Zingiberaceae), a new species from Yunnan, China. Annales Botanici Fennici 2020, 57(4-6):197-201. 

84.Ding HB, Maw MB, Yang B, Bouamanivong S, Tan YH: An updated checklist of Begonia (Begoniaceae) in Laos, with two new species and five new records. Phytokeys 2020(138):187-201. 

85.Ding HB, Maw MB, Yang B, Bouamanivong S, Tan YH: An updated checklist of Begonia (Begoniaceae) in Laos, with two new species and five new records. Phytokeys 2020(138):187-201. 

86.Ding HB, Gong YX, Pan R, Lu XQ, Tan YH: A new tuberous species of Begonia L. (Begoniaceae) from southern Yunnan, China. Phytotaxa 2020, 474(1):81-86. 

87.Ding HB, Gong YX, Pan R, Lu XQ, Tan YH: A new tuberous species of Begonia L. (Begoniaceae) from southern Yunnan, China. Phytotaxa 2020, 474(1):81-86. 

88.Deng YF, Tan YH, Lin ZL, Huang YF: Gymnostachyum morsei (Acanthaceae: Andrographideae), a new species from Guangxi, China. Kew Bulletin 2020, 75(4). 

89.Aung MH, Li DZ, Tan YH, Xia NH, Quan RC, Jin XH: Documentation of plant diversity of Southeast Asia: the new role of Belt and Road Initiative. Phytokeys 2020(138):1-2. 

90.Zhu XX, Liao S, Tan YH, Shen JY, Ma JS: Aristolochia bhamoensis is a taxonomic synonym of A. tongbiguanensis, and now the correct name is Isotrema tongbiguanense. Phytotaxa 2019, 404(7):292-294. 

91.Zhang LX, Ding HB, Li HT, Zhang ZL, Tan YH: Curcuma tongii, a new species of Curcuma subgen. Ecomatae (Zingiberaceae) from southern Yunnan, China. Phytotaxa 2019, 395(3):241-247. 

92.Zhang LX, Ding HB, Li HT, Zhang ZL, Tan YH: Curcuma tongii, a new species of Curcuma subgen. Ecomatae (Zingiberaceae) from southern Yunnan, China. Phytotaxa 2019, 395(3):241-247. 

93.Yao X, Tan YH, Yang JB, Wang Y, Corlett RT, Manen JF: Exceptionally high rates of positive selection on the rbcL gene in the genus Ilex (Aquifoliaceae). Bmc Evolutionary Biology 2019, 19(1). 

94.Yang B, Zhou SS, Tan YH: Canthium longipetalum (Rubiaceae), a new species from Kachin State, northern Myanmar. Annales Botanici Fennici 2019, 56(1-3):197-201. 

95.Yang B, Zhou SS, Tan YH: Canthium longipetalum (Rubiaceae), a new species from Kachin State, northern Myanmar. Annales Botanici Fennici 2019, 56(1-3):197-201. 

96.Yang B, Ding HB, Zhou SS, Maw MB, Maung KW, Tan YH: Taxonomic studies on Agapetes in Myanmar I: Agapetes reflexiloba, a new species from kachin State, and notes on three rediscovered species including two new records for Myanmar. Phytotaxa 2019, 393(2):105-118. 

97.Yang B, Ding HB, Zhou SS, Maw MB, Maung KW, Tan YH: Taxonomic studies on Agapetes in Myanmar I: Agapetes reflexiloba, a new species from kachin State, and notes on three rediscovered species including two new records for Myanmar. Phytotaxa 2019, 393(2):105-118. 

98.Yang B, Ding HB, Fu KC, Yuan YK, Yang HY, Li JW, Zhang LX, Tan YH: Four new species of Gesneriaceae from Yunnan, Southwest China. Phytokeys 2019(130):183-203. 

99.Song ZQ, Yao G, Pan B, Li JW, Huang XX, Tan YH, Xu DX: Return Verdesmum menglaense to the genus Hylodesmum (Fabaceae) based on morphological and molecular evidence. Phytokeys 2019(126):1-12. 

100.Meng HH, Zhou SS, Li L, Tan YH, Li JW, Li J: Conflict between biodiversity conservation and economic growth: insight into rare plants in tropical China. Biodiversity and Conservation 2019, 28(2):523-537. 

101.Meng HH, Zhou SS, Jiang XL, Gugger PF, Li L, Tan YH, Li J: Are mountaintops climate refugia for plants under global warming? A lesson from high-mountain oaks in tropical rainforest. Alp Bot 2019, 129(2):175-183. 

102.Liu C, Ya JD, Tan YH, He HJ, Dong GJ, Li DZ: Marsdenia yarlungzangboensis (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae), a new species from Xizang, China. Phytokeys 2019(130):85-92. 

103.Hu CC, Lei YB, Tan YH, Sun XC, Xu H, Liu CQ, Liu XY: Plant nitrogen and phosphorus utilization under invasive pressure in a montane ecosystem of tropical China. Journal of Ecology 2019, 107(1):372-386. 

104.Ding HB, Zhou SS, Yang B, Li R, Maw MB, Maung KW, Tan YH: Taxonomic studies on Amomum Roxburgh s.l. (Zingiberaceae) in Myanmar I : Two new species and two new records for the flora of Myanmar. Phytotaxa 2019, 418(2):158-170. 

105.Ding HB, Zhou SS, Yang B, Li R, Maw MB, Maung KW, Tan YH: Taxonomic studies on Amomum Roxburgh s.l. (Zingiberaceae) in Myanmar I : Two new species and two new records for the flora of Myanmar. Phytotaxa 2019, 418(2):158-170. 

106.Ding HB, Yang B, Zhou SS, Maw MB, Maung KW, Tan YH: New contributions to the flora of Myanmar I. Plant Diversity 2019, 41(3):135-152. 

107.Ding HB, Yang B, Zeng XD, Tan YH: Jasminanthes laotica (Apocynaceae, Asclepiadoideae), the first new species of Jasminanthes described from Laos. Phytotaxa 2019, 393(3):297-300. 

108.Zhou SS, Tan YH, Li R, Quan RC, Maung KW, Liu Q, Sima YK: Magnolia kachinensis (Magnoliaceae), a new species from northern Myanmar. Phytotaxa 2018, 375(1):92-98. 

109.Zhou SS, Tan YH, Jin XH, Maung KW, Zyaw M, Li R, Quan RC, Liu Q: Coelogyne victoria-reginae (Orchidaceae, Epidendroideae, Arethuseae), a new species from Chin State, Myanmar. Phytokeys 2018(98):125-133. 

110.Zhao ML, Song Y, Ni J, Yao X, Tan YH, Xu ZF: Comparative chloroplast genomics and phylogenetics of nine Lindera species (Lauraceae). Scientific Reports 2018, 8. 

111.Yang B, Zhou SS, Ding HB, Li R, Maung KW, Tan YH: Two new species of Trivalvaria (Annonaceae) from northern Myanmar. Phytokeys 2018(94):3-12. 

112.Yang B, Ding HB, Zhou SS, Zhu XX, Li R, Maw MB, Tan YH: Aristolochia sinoburmanica (Aristolochiaceae), a new species from north Myanmar. Phytokeys 2018(94):13-22. 

113.Yang B, Ding HB, Li JW, Tan YH: Two new species of Hiptage (Malpighiaceae) from Yunnan, Southwest of China. Phytokeys 2018(110):81-89. 

114.Xue BN, Tan YH, Thomas DC, Chaowasku T, Hou XL, Saunders RMK: A new Annonaceae genus, Wuodendron, provides support for a post-boreotropical origin of the Asian-Neotropical disjunction in the tribe Miliuseae. Taxon 2018, 67(2):250-266. 

115.Wu L, Tan YH, Hareesh VS, Liu QR: Ophiorrhiza macrocarpa (Rubiaceae), a new viviparous species from Yunnan, southwestern China. Nordic Journal of Botany 2018, 36(4). 

116.Tan YH, Li DR, Zhou SS, Chen YJ, Bramley GLC, Li B: Premna grandipaniculata (Lamiaceae, Premnoideae), a remarkable new species from north Myanmar. Phytokeys 2018(94):117-123. 

117.Song Y, Yao X, Liu B, Tan YH, Corlett RT: Complete plastid genome sequences of three tropical Alseodaphne trees in the family Lauraceae. Holzforschung 2018, 72(4):337-345. 

118.Liu Q, Zhou SS, Jin XH, Pan B, Maung KW, Zyaw M, Li R, Quan RC, Tan YH: Dendrobium naungmungense (Orchidaceae, Dendrobieae), a new species from Kachin State, Myanmar. Phytokeys 2018(94):31-38. 

119.Li JW, Tan YH, Wang XL, Wang CW, Jin XH: Begonia medogensis, a new species of Begoniaceae from Western China and Northern Myanmar. Phytokeys 2018(103):13-18. 

120.Lan QY, Yin SH, He HY, Tan YH, Liu Q, Xia YM, Wen B, Baskin CC, Baskin JM: Seed dormancy-life form profile for 358 species from the Xishuangbanna seasonal tropical rainforest, Yunnan Province, China compared to world database. Scientific Reports 2018, 8. 

121.Jin XH, Tan YH, Quan RC: Taxonomic discoveries bridging the gap between our knowledge and biodiversity. Phytokeys 2018(94):1-2. 

122.Hai D, Min DZ, Khang NS, Tan YH, Thoa PTK, Bramley GLC, de Kok RPJ, Li B: Premna vietnamensis (Lamiaceae, Premnoideae), a distinct new species from the Central Highlands of Vietnam. Plos One 2018, 13(5). 

123.Ding HB, Bin Y, Zhou SS, Li R, Maw MB, Kyaw WM, Tan YH: Hedychium putaoense (Zingiberaceae), a new species from Putao, Kachin State, Northern Myanmar. Phytokeys 2018(94):51-57. 

124.Zhou Z, Gu BJ, Sun H, Zhu H, Tan YH: Molecular phylogenetic analyses of Euphorbiaceae tribe Epiprineae, with the description of a new genus, Tsaiodendron gen. nov., from south-western China. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 2017, 184(2):167-184. 

125.Zhou SS, Yang B, Tong YH, Ding HB, Li R, Maung KW, Tan YH: Agapetes brevipedicellata (Ericaceae), a new species from Putao, Kachin State, Northern Myanmar. Phytotaxa 2017, 331(1):117-123. 

126.Yang B, Zhou SS, Maung KW, Tan YH: Reinwardtia glandulifera (Linaceae), a new species from Kachin State, northern Myanmar. Phytotaxa 2017, 316(3):297-300. 

127.Yang B, Zhou SS, Maung KW, Tan YH: Two new species of Impatiens (Balsaminaceae) from Putao, Kachin State, northern Myanmar. Phytotaxa 2017, 321(1):103-113. 

128.Yang B, Zhou SS, Liu Q, Maung KW, Li R, Quan RC, Tan YH: Coelogyne magnifica (Orchidaceae), a new species from northern Myanmar. Phytokeys 2017(88):109-117. 

129.Yang B, Ding HB, Li ZH, Tan YH: Primula zhui (Primulaceae) sp nov from south Yunnan, southwest China. Nordic Journal of Botany 2017, 35(6):681-686. 

130.Xue BN, Ye DP, Shao YY, Tan YH: Polyalthia yingjiangensis sp nov (Annonaceae) from the China/Myanmar border. Nordic Journal of Botany 2017, 35(4):476-481. 

131.Xue B, Shao YY, Saunders RMK, Tan YH: Alphonsea glandulosa (Annonaceae), a New Species from Yunnan, China. Plos One 2017, 12(2). 

132.Tan YH, Li DR, Chen YJ, Li B: Premna bhamoensis (Lamiaceae, Premnoideae), a new species from Kachin State, northeastern Myanmar. Phytokeys 2017(83):93-101. 

133.Song Y, Yu WB, Tan YH, Liu B, Yao X, Jin JJ, Padmanaba M, Yang JB, Corlett RT: Evolutionary Comparisons of the Chloroplast Genome in Lauraceae and Insights into Loss Events in the Magnoliids. Genome Biology and Evolution 2017, 9(9):2354-2364. 

134.Song Y, Yao X, Tan YH, Gan Y, Yang JB, Corlett RT: Comparative analysis of complete chloroplast genome sequences of two subtropical trees, Phoebe sheareri and Phoebe omeiensis (Lauraceae). Tree Genetics & Genomes 2017, 13(6). 

135.Jiang N, Zhou Z, Yang JB, Zhang SD, Guan KY, Tan YH, Yu WB: Phylogenetic reassessment of tribe Anemoneae (Ranunculaceae): Non-monophyly of Anemone s.l. revealed by plastid datasets. Plos One 2017, 12(3). 

136.Hao CY, Qin XW, Tan LH, Hu LS, Wu G, Luo SX, Deng Y, Tan YH: Piper jianfenglingense, a new species of Piperaceae from Hainan Island, China. Phytotaxa 2017, 331(1):109-116. 

137.Yao X, Tan YH, Liu YY, Song Y, Yang JB, Corlett RT: Chloroplast genome structure in Ilex (Aquifoliaceae). Scientific Reports 2016, 6. 

138.Yao X, Liu YY, Tan YH, Song Y, Corlett RT: The complete chloroplast genome sequence of Helwingia himalaica (Helwingiaceae, Aquifoliales) and a chloroplast phylogenomic analysis of the Campanulidae. Peerj 2016, 4. 

139.Xue BN, Tan YH, Ye XE: The identity of Polyalthia florulenta (Annonaceae): a second species of Wangia in China. Phytotaxa 2016, 283(2):163-171. 

140.Xue B, Tan YH: Excluding Miliusa velutina (Annonaceae) from Flora of China. Phytotaxa 2016, 282(2):166-169. 

141.Wen B, Liu MH, Tan YH, Liu Q: Sensitivity to high temperature and water stress in recalcitrant Baccaurea ramiflora seeds. Journal of Plant Research 2016, 129(4):637-645. 

142.Tan YH, Deng YF: The identity of Nyssa yunnanensis (Cornaceae). Phytotaxa 2016, 252(4):293-297. 

143.Tan YH, Chen YJ, Li B: New synonyms for Premna yunnanensis (Lamiaceae) in China. Phytotaxa 2016, 283(2):196-200. 

144.Song Y, Yao X, Tan YH, Gan Y, Corlett RT: Complete chloroplast genome sequence of the avocado: gene organization, comparative analysis, and phylogenetic relationships with other Lauraceae. Canadian Journal of Forest Research 2016, 46(11):1293-1301. 

145.Liu Q, Tan YH, Gao JY: A new species of Gastrochilus (Aeridinae, Vandeae, Orchidaceae) and a new record species from Yunnan, China. Phytotaxa 2016, 282(1):66-70. 

146.Li B, Cantino PD, Olmstead RG, Bramley GLC, Xiang CL, Ma ZH, Tan YH, Zhang DX: A large-scale chloroplast phylogeny of the Lamiaceae sheds new light on its subfamilial classification. Scientific Reports 2016, 6. 

147.Zhao ML, Pan B, Tan YH, Corlett RT: Winners and losers among tree species in Xishuangbanna: which traits are most important? Science Bulletin 2015, 60(10):916-924. 

148.Tan YH, Yang B, Li JW, Zhou SS, Lone S, Khaing KK, Li R, Huang JP, Sun H: Acranthera burmanica, a new species of Rubiaceae from Kachin State, Myanmar. Phytotaxa 2015, 238(1):92-96. 

149.Tan YH, Liu YN, Jiang H, Zhu XX, Zhang W, Yu SX: Impatiens pandurata (Balsaminaceae), a new species from Yunnan, China. Botanical Studies 2015, 56. 

150.Tan YH, Li JW, Yin JT: Oreocharis tsaii, a new species of Gesneriaceae from southern Yunnan, China. Phytotaxa 2015, 195(2):188-192. 

151.Hao CY, Tan YH, Hu LS, Tan LH, Chen HP, Qin XW, Wu G, Wu HS: Piper peltatifolium, a new species of Piperaceae from Hainan, China. Phytotaxa 2015, 236(3):291-295. 

152.Zhang LX, Tan YH, Li JW, Wen B, Yin JT, Lan QY: Hemiboea malipoensis, a new species of Gesneriaceae from southeastern Yunnan, China. Phytotaxa 2014, 174(3):165-172. 

153.Tan YH, Li JW, Chen WH, Wen B, Moller M: Additional notes on Oreocharis yunnanensis, a species of Gesneriaceae from southern Yunnan, China, including morphological and molecular data. Phytotaxa 2014, 167(3):283-288. 

154.Tan YH, Li B: Taxonomic studies on the genus Premna (Lamiaceae) in China-I: the identities of P-fulva and P-tapintzeana. Phytotaxa 2014, 173(3):207-216. 

155.Liu Q, Lan QY, Wen B, Tan YH, Wang XF: Germination of recalcitrant Baccaurea ramiflora seeds. Scienceasia 2014, 40(2):101-105. 

156.Liu J, Tan YH, Slik JWF: Topography related habitat associations of tree species traits, composition and diversity in a Chinese tropical forest. Forest Ecology and Management 2014, 330:75-81. 

157.Lan QY, Xia K, Wang XF, Liu JW, Zhao J, Tan YH: Seed storage behaviour of 101 woody species from the tropical rainforest of southern China: a test of the seed-coat ratio-seed mass (SCR-SM) model for determination of desiccation sensitivity. Australian Journal of Botany 2014, 62(4):305-311. 

158.Guo X, Wang J, Xue BN, Thomas DC, Su YCF, Tan YH, Saunders RMK: Reassessing the taxonomic status of two enigmatic Desmos species (Annonaceae): Morphological and molecular phylogenetic support for a new genus, Wangia. Journal of Systematics and Evolution 2014, 52(1):1-15. 

159.Wen B, Wang XF, Tan YH, Song SQ: Differential responses of Mimusops elengi and Manilkara zapota seeds and embryos to cryopreservation. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant 2013, 49(6):717-723. 

160.Tan YH, Li JW, Pan B, Wen B, Yin JT, Liu Q: Oreocharis glandulosa, a new species of Gesneriaceae from southern Yunnan, China. Phytotaxa 2013, 131(1):29-34. 

161.Li B, Tan YH, Zhang ZY, Zhang DX: Premna menglaensis, a new name for Premna laevigata C. Y. Wu (Lamiaceae). Phytotaxa 2013, 153(1):58-59. 

162.Tan YH, Hsu TC, Pan B, Li JW, Liu Q: Gastrodia albidoides (Orchidaceae: Epidendroideae), a new species from Yunnan, China. Phytotaxa 2012, 66:38-42. 

163.Luo YL, Lan QY, Lu X, Chen ZX, Tan YH: Storage behaviour and antioxidant activities of Mimusops elengi seeds subjected to different drying rates. Seed Science and Technology 2012, 40(3):354-364. 

164.Lan QY, Luo YL, Ma SM, Lu X, Yang MZ, Tan YH, Jiang XN, Tan YP, Wang XF, Li ZY: Development and storage of recalcitrant seeds of Hopea hainanensis. Seed Science and Technology 2012, 40(2):200-208. 

165.Huang MZ, Yin JM, Yang GS, Tan YH: Panisea moi, a new species (Orchidaceae: Epidendroideae) from Hainan, China. Phytotaxa 2012, 60:13-16. 

166.Ao Y, Tan YH, Mu XY, Zhang ZX: Celastrus yuloensis (Celastraceae), a new species from China. Annales Botanici Fennici 2012, 49(4):267-270. 

167.Yang QH, Lan QY, Yang HS, Tan YH, Ye WH: Germination, desiccation, storage and germination-accelerating pretreatment of Ardisia virens seeds. Seed Science and Technology 2011, 39(2):327-337. 

168.Ma SM, Lan QY, Tan YH, Yu L, Yang MZ: Desiccation tolerance and storability of seeds in Hopea mollissima C.Y. Wu. Seed Science and Technology 2011, 39(2):435-442.