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ZHANG Jiaolin
Deputy Director
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XTBG, Menglun, Mengla, 666303, Yunnan, China



Visiting Professor (Dr.and Prof.Fangliang He’s lab), Department of Renewable Resources, University of Alberta, Canada 


Ph.D. (Ecology), University ofCAS, Beijing 


M.Sc. (Ecology), University ofCAS, Beijing 


B.Sc. (Agronomy), Department of Agronomy, South China Agricultural University, Guangdong 

Professional Experience


Head ofPlant Ecophysiology Groupof XTBG 


Associate Professor, XTBG 


Assistant Professor, XTBG 


Research Scientist, XTBG 




Academic Interests 

       Ecological Consequences of Climate Extremes 

       Functional Traits, Phylogeny and Community Assembly 

       Climate Change 

       Liana Ecology 

       Epiphyte Physiology 

       Water Relations 



1.Zhang KY, Yang D, Zhang YB, Ai XR, Yao L, Deng ZJ, Zhang JL: Linkages among stem xylem transport, biomechanics, and storage in lianas and trees across three contrasting environments. American Journal of Botany 2024. 

2.Liu Q, Sterck FJ, Zhang JL, Poorter L: Lianas shift towards larger sizes and more acquisitive trait values in an Asian tropical rainforest. Biotropica 2024. 

3.Landrein S, Song SJ, Zhang J, Guo YJ, Shen JY, Jiang QY, Low SL: Thepparatia vines (Hibisceae subtribe Trionum) phylogenomics and evolution. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society 2024. 

4.Zhang YB, Scalon MC, Liu JX, Song XY, Yang D, Zhang YJ, Ellsworth DS, Zhang JL: You are what you eat: nutrient and water relations between mistletoes and hosts. New Phytologist 2023. 

5.Zhang KY, Yang D, Zhang YB, Liu Q, Wang YSD, Ke Y, Xiao Y, Wang Q, Dossa GGO, Schnitzer SA et al: Vessel dimorphism and wood traits in lianas and trees among three contrasting environments. American Journal of Botany 2023, 110(4). 

6.Yang D, Wang YSD, Wang Q, Ke Y, Zhang YB, Zhang SB, Zhang YJ, McDowell NG, Zhang JL: Physiological response and photosynthetic recovery to an extreme drought: Evidence from plants in a dry-hot valley savanna of Southwest China. Science of the Total Environment 2023, 868. 

7.Wei Y, Chen YJ, Siddiq Z, Zhang JL, Zhang SB, Jansen S, Cao KF: Hydraulic traits and photosynthesis are coordinated with trunk sapwood capacitance in tropical tree species. Tree Physiology 2023, 43(12):2109-2120. 

8.Wang YQ, Song HQ, Chen YJ, Fu PL, Zhang JL, Cao KF, Zhu SD: Hydraulic determinants of drought-induced tree mortality and changes in tree abundance between two tropical forests with different water availability. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 2023, 331. 

9.Song HQ, Wang YQ, Yan CL, Zeng WH, Chen YJ, Zhang JL, Liu H, Zhang QM, Zhu SD: Can leaf drought tolerance predict species abundance and its changes in tropical-subtropical forests? Tree Physiology 2023. 

10.Liu Q, Sterck FJ, Zhang JL, Poorter L: Abiotic and biotic drivers of liana community change in an Asian tropical rainforest. Forest Ecology and Management 2023, 545. 

11.Ke Y, Zhang FP, Zhang YB, Li W, Wang Q, Yang D, Zhang JL, Cao KF: Convergent relationships between flower economics and hydraulic traits across aquatic and terrestrial herbaceous plants. Plant Diversity 2023, 45(5):601-610. 

12.Huang JG, Zhang YL, Wang MH, Yu XH, Deslauriers A, Fonti P, Liang E, M?kinen H, Oberhuber W, Rathgeber CBK et al: A critical thermal transition driving spring phenology of Northern Hemisphere conifers. Global Change Biology 2023, 29(6):1606-1617. 

13.Huang JG, Zhang YL, Wang MH, Yu XH, Deslauriers A, Fonti P, Liang E, Makinen H, Oberhuber W, Rathgeber CBK et al: A critical thermal transition driving spring phenology of Northern Hemisphere conifers. Global Change Biology 2023, 29(6):1606-1617. 

14.Gupta SK, Da Y, Zhang YB, Pandey V, Zhang JL: Tropospheric ozone is a catastrophe, and ethylenediurea (EDU) is a phytoprotectant, recent reports on climate change scenario: A review. Atmos Pollut Res 2023, 14(11). 

15.Zhang YB, Yang D, Zhang KY, Bai XL, Wang YSD, Wu HD, Ding LZ, Zhang YJ, Zhang JL: Higher water and nutrient use efficiencies in savanna than in rainforest lianas result in no difference in photosynthesis. Tree Physiology 2022, 42(1):145-159. 

16.Xue W, Luo H, Carriqui M, Nadal M, Huang JF, Zhang JL: Quantitative expression of mesophyll conductance temperature response in the FvCB model and impacts on plant gas exchange estimations. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology 2022, 325. 

17.Xiao Y, Qu YY, Hao CH, Tang L, Zhang JL: The complete chloroplast genome of Bauhinia racemosa Lam. (Fabaceae): a versatile tropical medicinal plant. Mitochondrial DNA Part B-Resources 2022, 7(8):1528-1530. 

18.Wang XZ, Sun SW, Sedio BE, Glomglieng S, Cao M, Cao KF, Yang JH, Zhang JL, Yang J: Niche differentiation along multiple functional-trait dimensions contributes to high local diversity of Euphorbiaceae in a tropical tree assemblage. Journal of Ecology 2022, 110(11):2731-2744. 

19.Maenpuen P, Katabuchi M, Onoda Y, Zhou C, Zhang JL, Chen YJ: Sources and consequences of mismatch between leaf disc and whole-leaf leaf mass per area (LMA). American Journal of Botany 2022, 109(8):1242-1250. 

20.Li YP, Feng YL, Li WT, Tomlinson K, Liao ZY, Zheng YL, Zhang JL: Leaf trait association in relation to herbivore defense, drought resistance, and economics in a tropical invasive plant. American Journal of Botany 2022, 109(6):910-921. 

21.Ellsworth DS, Crous KY, De Kauwe MG, Verryckt LT, Goll D, Zaehle S, Bloomfield KJ, Ciais P, Cernusak LA, Domingues TF et al: Convergence in phosphorus constraints to photosynthesis in forests around the world. Nature Communications 2022, 13(1). 

22.Bai XL, Liu Q, Mohandass D, Cao M, Wen HD, Chen YJ, Gupta SK, Lin LX, Zhang JL: Spatial autocorrelation shapes liana distribution better than topography and host tree properties in a subtropical evergreen broadleaved forest in SW China. Biotropica 2022, 54(2):301-308. 

23.Zhang KY, Yang D, Zhang YB, Ellsworth DS, Xu K, Zhang YP, Chen YJ, He FL, Zhang JL: Differentiation in stem and leaf traits among sympatric lianas, scandent shrubs and trees in a subalpine cold temperate forest. Tree Physiology 2021, 41(11):1992-2003. 

24.Zhang FP, Zhang JL, Brodribb TJ, Hu H: Cavitation resistance of peduncle, petiole and stem is correlated with bordered pit dimensions in Magnolia grandiflora. Plant Diversity 2021, 43(4):324-330. 

25.Xiao Y, Song Y, Wu FC, Zhang SB, Zhang JL: Divergence of stem biomechanics and hydraulics between Bauhinia lianas and trees. Aob Plants 2021, 13(3). 

26.Liu Q, Sterck FJ, Zhang JL, Scheire A, Konings E, Cao M, Sha LQ, Poorter L: Traits, strategies, and niches of liana species in a tropical seasonal rainforest. Oecologia 2021, 196(2):499-514. 

27.Liu Q, Sterck FJ, Medina-Vega JA, Sha LQ, Cao M, Bongers F, Zhang JL, Poorter L: Soil nutrients, canopy gaps and topography affect liana distribution in a tropical seasonal rain forest in southwestern China. Journal of Vegetation Science 2021, 32(1). 

28.Chen YJ, Maenpuen P, Zhang YJ, Barai K, Katabuchi M, Gao H, Kaewkamol S, Tao LB, Zhang JL: Quantifying vulnerability to embolism in tropical trees and lianas using five methods: can discrepancies be explained by xylem structural traits? New Phytologist 2021, 229(2):805-819. 

29.Zhang YB, Wu HD, Yang J, Song XY, Yang D, He FL, Zhang JL: Environmental filtering and spatial processes shape the beta diversity of liana communities in a valley savanna in southwest China. Applied Vegetation Science 2020, 23(4):482-494. 

30.Yang D, Wang AY, Zhang JL, Bradshaw CJA, Hao GY: Variation in Stem Xylem Traits is Related to Differentiation of Upper Limits of Tree Species along an Elevational Gradient. Forests 2020, 11(3). 

31.Wang AY, Hao GY, Guo JJ, Liu ZH, Zhang JL, Cao KF: Differentiation in Leaf Physiological Traits Related to Shade and Drought Tolerance Underlies Contrasting Adaptations of TwoCyclobalanopsis(Fagaceae) Species at the Seedling Stage. Forests 2020, 11(8). 

32.Li JW, Zhang SB, Xi HP, Bradshaw CJA, Zhang JL: Processes controlling programmed cell death of root velamen radicum in an epiphytic orchid. Annals of Botany 2020, 126(2):261-275. 

33.Huang JG, Ma QQ, Rossi S, Biondi F, Deslauriers A, Fonti P, Liang EY, Makinen H, Oberhuber W, Rathgeber CBK et al: Photoperiod and temperature as dominant environmental drivers triggering secondary growth resumption in Northern Hemisphere conifers. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2020, 117(34):20645-20652. 

34.Huang JG, Campelo F, Ma QQ, Zhang YL, Bergeron Y, Deslauriers A, Fonti P, Liang E, Makinen H, Oberhuber W et al: Photoperiod plays a dominant and irreplaceable role in triggering secondary growth resumption REPLY. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2020, 117(52):32865-32867. 

35.Gupta SK, Sharma M, Majumder B, Maurya VK, Deeba F, Zhang JL, Pandey V: Effects of ethylenediurea (EDU) on regulatory proteins in two maize (Zea mays L.) varieties under high tropospheric ozone phytotoxicity. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 2020, 154:675-688. 

36.Dossa GGO, Paudel E, Schaefer D, Zhang JL, Cao KF, Xu JC, Harrison RD: Quantifying the factors affecting wood decomposition across a tropical forest disturbance gradient. Forest Ecology and Management 2020, 468. 

37.Bai XL, Zhang YB, Liu Q, Wang YSD, Yang D, Zhang JL: Leaf and Stem Traits are Linked to Liana Growth Rate in a Subtropical Cloud Forest. Forests 2020, 11(10). 

38.Wang PY, Liu WJ, Zhang JL, Yang B, Singh AK, Wu JE, Jiang XJ: Seasonal and spatial variations of water use among riparian vegetation in tropical monsoon region of SW China. Ecohydrology 2019, 12(4). 

39.Nespoulous J, Merino-Martin L, Monnier Y, Bouchet DC, Ramel M, Dombey R, Viennois G, Mao Z, Zhang JL, Cao KF et al: Tropical forest structure and understorey determine subsurface flow through biopores formed by plant roots. Catena 2019, 181. 

40.Gao H, Chen YJ, Zhang YJ, Maenpuen P, Lv S, Zhang JL: Vessel-length determination using silicone and air injection: are there artifacts? Tree Physiology 2019, 39(10):1783-1791. 

41.Fu PL, Zhu SD, Zhang JL, Finnegan PM, Jiang YJ, Lin H, Fan ZX, Cao KF: The contrasting leaf functional traits between a karst forest and a nearby non-karst forest in south-west China. Functional Plant Biology 2019, 46(10):907-915. 

42.Zheng YL, Burns JH, Liao ZY, Li YP, Yang J, Chen YJ, Zhang JL, Zheng YG: Species composition, functional and phylogenetic distances correlate with success of invasive Chromolaena odorata in an experimental test. Ecology Letters 2018, 21(8):1211-1220. 

43.Dossa GGO, Schaefer D, Zhang JL, Tao JP, Cao KF, Corlett RT, Cunningham AB, Xu JC, Cornelissen JHC, Harrison RD: The cover uncovered: Bark control over wood decomposition. Journal of Ecology 2018, 106(6):2147-2160. 

44.Zhao WL, Siddiq Z, Fu PL, Zhang JL, Cao KF: Stable stomatal number per minor vein length indicates the coordination between leaf water supply and demand in three leguminous species. Scientific Reports 2017, 7. 

45.Zhang SB, Zhang JL: Variations in light energy dissipation in Woodfordia fruticosa leaves during expansion. Photosynthetica 2017, 55(4):705-715. 

46.Li YP, Feng YL, Kang ZL, Zheng YL, Zhang JL, Chen YJ: Changes in soil microbial communities due to biological invasions can reduce allelopathic effects. Journal of Applied Ecology 2017, 54(5):1281-1290. 

47.Huang W, Yang YJ, Zhang JL, Hu H, Zhang SB: Superoxide generated in the chloroplast stroma causes photoinhibition of photosystem I in the shade-establishing tree species Psychotria henryi. Photosynthesis Research 2017, 132(3):293-303. 

48.Chen YJ, Schnitzer SA, Zhang YJ, Fan ZX, Goldstein G, Tomlinson KW, Lin H, Zhang JL, Cao KF: Physiological regulation and efficient xylem water transport regulate diurnal water and carbon balances of tropical lianas. Functional Ecology 2017, 31(2):306-317. 

49.Zhang SB, Zhang JL, Cao KF: Differences in the photosynthetic efficiency and photorespiration of co-occurring Euphorbiaceae liana and tree in a Chinese savanna. Photosynthetica 2016, 54(3):438-445. 

50.Zhang SB, Huang W, Zhang JL, Cao KF: Differential responses of photosystems I and II to seasonal drought in two Ficus species. Acta Oecologica-International Journal of Ecology 2016, 73:53-60. 

51.Yang SJ, Sun M, Yang QY, Ma RY, Zhang JL, Zhang SB: Two strategies by epiphytic orchids for maintaining water balance: thick cuticles in leaves and water storage in pseudobulbs. Aob Plants 2016, 8. 

52.Huang W, Yang YJ, Zhang JL, Hu H, Zhang SB: PSI photoinhibition is more related to electron transfer from PSII to PSI rather than PSI redox state in Psychotria rubra. Photosynthesis Research 2016, 129(1):85-92. 

53.Chen YJ, Bongers F, Tomlinson K, Fan ZX, Lin H, Zhang SB, Zheng YL, Li YP, Cao KF, Zhang JL: Time lags between crown and basal sap flows in tropical lianas and co-occurring trees. Tree Physiology 2016, 36(6):736-747. 

54.Zheng YL, Feng YL, Valiente-Banuet A, Li YP, Liao ZY, Zhang JL, Chen YJ: Are invasive plants more competitive than native conspecifics? Patterns vary with competitors. Scientific Reports 2015, 5. 

55.Zhang JL, Zhang SB, Zhang YP, Kitajima K: Effects of phylogeny and climate on seed oil fatty acid composition across 747 plant species in China. Industrial Crops and Products 2015, 63:1-8. 

56.Zhang JL, Zhang SB, Chen YJ, Zhang YP, Poorter L: Nutrient resorption is associated with leaf vein density and growth performance of dipterocarp tree species. Journal of Ecology 2015, 103(3):541-549. 

57.Ma RY, Zhang JL, Cavaleri MA, Sterck F, Strijk JS, Cao KF: Convergent Evolution towards High Net Carbon Gain Efficiency Contributes to the Shade Tolerance of Palms (Arecaceae). Plos One 2015, 10(10). 

58.Huang W, Zhang SB, Zhang JL, Hu H: Photoinhibition of photosystem I under high light in the shade-established tropical tree species Psychotria rubra. Frontiers in Plant Science 2015, 6. 

59.Chen YJ, Cao KF, Schnitzer SA, Fan ZX, Zhang JL, Bongers F: Water-use advantage for lianas over trees in tropical seasonal forests. New Phytologist 2015, 205(1):128-136. 

60.Zhang SB, Sun M, Cao KF, Hu H, Zhang JL: Leaf Photosynthetic Rate of Tropical Ferns Is Evolutionarily Linked to Water Transport Capacity. Plos One 2014, 9(1). 

61.Sun M, Yang SJ, Zhang JL, Bartlett M, Zhang SB: Correlated evolution in traits influencing leaf water balance in Dendrobium (Orchidaceae). Plant Ecology 2014, 215(11):1255-1267. 

62.Huang W, Zhang JL, Zhang SB, Hu H: Evidence for the regulation of leaf movement by photosystem II activity. Environmental and Experimental Botany 2014, 107:167-172. 

63.Hu YH, Kitching RL, Lan GY, Zhang JL, Sha LQ, Cao M: Size-Class Effect Contributes to Tree Species Assembly through Influencing Dispersal in Tropical Forests. Plos One 2014, 9(9). 


65.Zhang SB, Cao KF, Fan ZX, Zhang JL: Potential hydraulic efficiency in angiosperm trees increases with growth-site temperature but has no trade-off with mechanical strength. Global Ecology and Biogeography 2013, 22(8):971-981. 

66.Tan ZH, Cao M, Yu GR, Tang JW, Deng XB, Song QH, Tang Y, Zheng Z, Liu WJ, Feng ZL et al: High sensitivity of a tropical rainforest to water variability: Evidence from 10 years of inventory and eddy flux data. Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres 2013, 118(16):9393-9400. 

67.Huang W, Fu PL, Jiang YJ, Zhang JL, Zhang SB, Hu H, Cao KF: Differences in the responses of photosystem I and photosystem II of three tree species Cleistanthus sumatranus, Celtis philippensis and Pistacia weinmannifolia exposed to a prolonged drought in a tropical limestone forest. Tree Physiology 2013, 33(2):211-220. 

68.Zhang JL, Poorter L, Hao GY, Cao KF: Photosynthetic thermotolerance of woody savanna species in China is correlated with leaf life span. Annals of Botany 2012, 110(5):1027-1033. 

69.Zhang JL, Poorter L, Cao KF: Productive leaf functional traits of Chinese savanna species. Plant Ecology 2012, 213(9):1449-1460. 

70.Huang W, Yang SJ, Zhang SB, Zhang JL, Cao KF: Cyclic electron flow plays an important role in photoprotection for the resurrection plant Paraboea rufescens under drought stress. Planta 2012, 235(4):819-828. 

71.Hu YH, Sha LQ, Blanchet FG, Zhang JL, Tang Y, Lan GY, Cao M: Dominant species and dispersal limitation regulate tree species distributions in a 20-ha plot in Xishuangbanna, southwest China. Oikos 2012, 121(6):952-960. 

72.Fu PL, Jiang YJ, Wang AY, Brodribb TJ, Zhang JL, Zhu SD, Cao KF: Stem hydraulic traits and leaf water-stress tolerance are co-ordinated with the leaf phenology of angiosperm trees in an Asian tropical dry karst forest. Annals of Botany 2012, 110(1):189-199. 

73.Zhang SB, Slik JWF, Zhang JL, Cao KF: Spatial patterns of wood traits in China are controlled by phylogeny and the environment. Global Ecology and Biogeography 2011, 20(2):241-250. 

74.Zhang JL, Meng LZ, Cao KF: Sustained diurnal photosynthetic depression in uppermost-canopy leaves of four dipterocarp species in the rainy and dry seasons: does photorespiration play a role in photoprotection? Tree Physiology 2009, 29(2):217-228. 

75.Zhang JL, Cao KF: Stem hydraulics mediates leaf water status, carbon gain, nutrient use efficiencies and plant growth rates across dipterocarp species. Functional Ecology 2009, 23(4):658-667. 

76.Zhang JL, Zhu JJ, Cao KF: Seasonal variation in photosynthesis in six woody species with different leaf phenology in a valley savanna in southwestern China. Trees-Structure and Function 2007, 21(6):631-643. 

77.Elsheery NI, Wilske B, Zhang JL, Cao KF: Seasonal variations in gas exchange and chlorophyll fluorescence in the leaves of five mango cultivars in southern Yunnan, China. Journal of Horticultural Science & Biotechnology 2007, 82(6):855-862. 

78.Feng YL, Cao KF, Zhang JL: Photosynthetic characteristics, dark respiration, and leaf mass per unit area in seedlings of four tropical tree species grown under three irradiances. Photosynthetica 2004, 42(3):431-437. 


Community service:

Commitment to research the situation:

Research Grants Received and Participated 


Granting body 


Total funding 

(granting period) 


National Natural Science Foundation of China 

Impact of lianas on tropical forest regeneration and dynamics 

RMB 870,000 


J.-L. Zhang 

National Natural Science Foundation of China 

Biodiversity mechanism of tropical rainforest: linking phylogeny and functional traits to explore the coexisting mechanism of tropical forest trees 

RMB 640,000 


K.-F. Cao 

National Natural Science Foundation of China 

Plant functional traits andthe mechanisms of maintenance of species diversityin tropical rainforest 

RMB 200,000 


J.-L. Zhang 

ChineseAcademyof Sciences 

Sources, use efficiency and mechanism of maintenance of water in epiphytic ferns 

RMB 100,000 


J.-L. Zhang 

Ministry of Science and Technologyof the People’s Republic of China 

Ecophysiological adaptation of woody plants on subtropical karst mountains of SW China 



K.-F. Cao 

National Natural Science Foundation of China 

Comparative ecophysiology of deciduous and evergreen broadleaved trees in montane evergreen broadleaved forests of Mt. Ailaoshan, Central Yunnan 

RMB 270,000 


K.-F. Cao 

National Natural Science Foundation of China 

Degradation mechanism and restoration test in dry and hot river valley in Yuanjiang, Yunnan 

RMB 800,000 


K.-F. Cao 

ChineseAcademyof Sciences 

Adaptation mechanism of plants in dry and hot river valleys under environmental stress 

RMB 1,200,000 


K.-F. Cao 

Ministry of Finance of the People’s Republic of China 

Physiology of tropical rainforest trees in Xishuangbanna 

RMB 2,000,000 


K.-F. Cao 

National Natural Science Foundation of China 

Nitrogen supply and phosphorus availability in the agroforestry of N-fixation legume based 

RMB 130,000 


A.-G. Chen 

Contributions to the Training of Highly Qualified Personnel 


(1) Graduate students supervised 



Years supervised 


Title of research project 

Huai-Dong Wu 

Universityof CAS 




Hua-Fang Wang 

Universityof CAS 




Qi Liu 

Universityof CAS 




Ling-Zi Ding 

Universityof CAS 




Manuscripts Review 

       Acta Ecologica Sinica 

       Acta Oecologia 

       American Journal of Botany 

       Biodiversity Science 

       Chinese Journal of Applied Ecology 

       Chinese Journal of Plant Ecology 


       Functional Ecology 

       Journal of Arid Environments 

       Journal of Ecology 

       Journal of Tropical and Subtropical Botany 

       Plant Science Journal 

       Scientia Silvae Sinicae