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2.Zhao X, Liu JX, Chen ZQ: The orchid mantis exhibits high ontogenetic colouration variety and intersexual life history differences. Evolutionary Ecology 2023, 37(3):569-582.
3.Lin YJ, Li SQ, Zhao X, Chen ZQ, Chen HF: Two new Eresus species (Araneae, Eresidae) from Xinjiang, China. Biodiver Data J 2022, 10.
4.Dong B, Wang YR, Li Q, Chen ZQ: Fleshy scoli removed without detriment: structure and potential anti-predation function in a slug caterpillar (Limacodidae). Behaviour 2022, 159(2):187-192.
5.Dong B, Liu JX, Quan RC, Chen ZQ: Mirror image stimulation could reverse social-isolation-induced aggressiveness in the high-level subsocial lactating spider. Anim Cogn 2022, 25(5):1345-1355.
6.Deng ZW, Agnarsson I, Chen ZQ, Liu J: Meotipa species (Araneae, Theridiidae) from China. Zookeys 2022(1082):153-178.
7.Li Q, Liu JX, Dong B, Xiao R, Chen ZQ: Two sexes respond equally to food restriction in a sexually dimorphic but not body mass dimorphic jumping spider. Ecology and Evolution 2021, 11(20):14033-14041.
8.Dong B, Quan RC, Chen ZQ: Prolonged milk provisioning and extended maternal care in the milking spider Toxeus magnus: biological implications and questions unresolved. Zoological Research 2019, 40(4):241-243.
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10.Chen ZQ, Preisser EL, Xiao R, Chen J, Li DQ, Jiao XG: Inbreeding produces trade-offs between maternal fecundity and offspring survival in a monandrous spider. Animal Behaviour 2017, 132:253-259.
11.Jiao XG, Chen ZQ, Wu J, Du HY, Liu FX, Chen JA, Li DQ: Male remating and female fitness in the wolf spider Pardosa astrigera: the role of male mating history. Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology 2011, 65(2):325-332.
12.Jiao XG, Chen ZQ, Du HY, Chen JA, Liu FX: Chemoreceptors distribution and relative importance of male forelegs and palps in intersexual chemical communication of the wolf spider Pardosa astrigera. Chemoecology 2011, 21(1):45-49.
13.Chen ZQ, Jiao XG, Wu J, Chen J, Liu FX: Effects of copulation temperature on female reproductive output and longevity in the wolf spider Pardosa astrigera (Araneae: Lycosidae). Journal of Thermal Biology 2010, 35(3):125-128.