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YANG Xiaodong
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XTBG, Menglun, Mengla, 666303, Yunnan, China

  Soil Ecology


1.Wang WT, Mishra S, Yang XD: Seasonal difference in soil health indicators mediating multidiversity-multifunctionality relationship depends on body size of soil organisms: Evidence from rubber plantation agroforestry system. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 2023, 178. 

2.Uwaremwe C, Bao WJ, Daoura BG, Mishra S, Zhang XX, Shen LJ, Xia SW, Yang XD: Shift in the rhizosphere soil fungal community associated with root rot infection of <i>Plukenetia volubilis</i> Linneo caused by <i>Fusarium</i> and <i>Rhizopus</i> species. Int Microbiol 2023. 

3.Xia SW, Yuan W, Lin LX, Yang XD, Feng XB, Li XM, Liu X, Chen PJ, Zeng SF, Wang DY et al: Latitudinal gradient for mercury accumulation and isotopic evidence for post-depositional processes among three tropical forests in Southwest China. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2022, 429. 

4.Wang WT, Sun ZH, Mishra S, Xia SW, Lin LX, Yang XD: Body size determines multitrophic soil microbiota community assembly associated with soil and plant attributes in a tropical seasonal rainforest. Molecular Ecology 2022. 

5.Wang SJ, Zhao S, Yang B, Zhang KF, Fan YX, Zhang LL, Yang XD: The carbon and nitrogen stoichiometry in litter-soil-microbe continuum rather than plant diversity primarily shapes the changes in bacterial communities along a tropical forest restoration chronosequence. Catena 2022, 213. 

6.Selvalakshmi S, Vasu D, Yang XD: Planting density affects soil quality in the deep soils of pine plantations. Applied Soil Ecology 2022, 178. 

7.Roeder M, Dossa GGO, Cornelissen JHC, Yang XD, Nakamura A, Tomlinson KW: Liana litter decomposes faster than tree litter in a multispecies and multisite experiment. Journal of Ecology 2022, 110(10):2433-2447. 

8.Mishra S, Wang WT, Xia SW, Lin LX, Yang XD: Spatial pattern of functional genes abundance reveals the importance of PhoD gene harboring bacterial community for maintaining plant growth in the tropical forest of Southwestern China. Science of the Total Environment 2022, 842. 

9.Liu SJ, Xia SW, Wu DH, Behm JE, Meng YY, Yuan H, Wen P, Hughes AC, Yang XD: Understanding global and regional patterns of termite diversity and regional functional traits. iScience 2022, 25(12). 

10.Liu SJ, Behm JE, Meng YY, Zhang W, Xia SW, Yang XD, Fu SL: Nitrogen addition enhances the bottom-up effects in the detrital food web. Global Ecology and Conservation 2022, 39. 

11.Fang MK, Atapattu AJ, Lin LX, Xia SW, Yang XD: Soil Nutrient Concentrations, Associations and Their Relationships with Canopy Tree Category and Size in the Southwestern China Tropical Rainforests. J Sustain For 2022. 

12.Yu L, Xu X, Zhang ZT, Painting CJ, Yang XD, Li DQ: Masquerading predators deceive prey by aggressively mimicking bird droppings in a crab spider. Current Zoology 2021, 68(3):325-334. 

13.Mishra S, Wang WT, de Oliveira IP, Atapattu AJ, Xia SW, Grillo R, Lescano CH, Yang XD: Interaction mechanism of plant-based nanoarchitectured materials with digestive enzymes of termites as target for pest control: Evidence from molecular docking simulation and in vitro studies. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021, 403. 

14.Meng YY, Chen H, Behm JE, Xia SW, Wang B, Liu SJ, Yang XD: Effects of different tea plantation management systems on arthropod assemblages and network structure. Ecosphere 2021, 12(7). 

15.Liu SJ, Behm JE, Wan SQ, Yan JH, Ye Q, Zhang W, Yang XD, Fu SL: Effects of canopy nitrogen addition on soil fauna and litter decomposition rate in a temperate forest and a subtropical forest. Geoderma 2021, 382. 

16.Zhu XA, Liu WJ, Chen J, Bruijnzeel LA, Mao Z, Yang XD, Cardinael R, Meng FR, Sidle RC, Seitz S et al: Reductions in water, soil and nutrient losses and pesticide pollution in agroforestry practices: a review of evidence and processes. Plant and Soil 2020, 453(1-2):45-86. 

17.Selvalakshmi S, Kalarikkal RK, Yang XD: Predicting the habitat distribution of rubber plantations with topography, soil, land use, and climatic factors. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment 2020, 192(9). 

18.Mishra S, Yang XD, Singh HB: Evidence for positive response of soil bacterial community structure and functions to biosynthesized silver nanoparticles: An approach to conquer nanotoxicity? Journal of Environmental Management 2020, 253. 

19.Mishra S, Yang XD, Ray S, Fraceto LF, Singh HB: Antibacterial and biofilm inhibition activity of biofabricated silver nanoparticles against Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae causing blight disease of rice instigates disease suppression. World Journal of Microbiology & Biotechnology 2020, 36(4). 

20.Mishra S, Hattenschwiler S, Yang XD: The plant microbiome: A missing link for the understanding of community dynamics and multifunctionality in forest ecosystems. Applied Soil Ecology 2020, 145. 

21.Hemati Z, Selvalakshmi S, Xia SW, Yang XD: Identification of indicators: Monitoring the impacts of rubber plantations on soil quality in Xishuangbanna, Southwest China. Ecological Indicators 2020, 116. 

22.He XX, Liu SJ, Wang J, Gan JM, Li ZP, Liu T, Zhang WX, Zou XM, Yang XD: Disturbance intensity overwhelms propagule pressure and litter resource in controlling the success of Pontoscolex corethrurus invasion in the tropics. Biological Invasions 2020, 22(5):1705-1721. 

23.Atapattu AJ, Xia SW, Cao M, Zhang WF, Mishra S, Yang XD: Can Dominant Canopy Species Leaf Litter Determine Soil Nutrient Heterogeneity? A Case Study in a Tropical Rainforest in Southwest China. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition 2020, 20(4):2479-2489. 

24.Xia SW, Cao M, Yang XD, Chen J, Goodale UM: Fine scale heterogeneity of soil properties causes seedling spatial niche separation in a tropical rainforest. Plant and Soil 2019, 438(1-2):435-445. 

25.Song H, Singh D, Tomlinson KW, Yang XD, Ogwu MC, Slik JWF, Adams JM: Tropical forest conversion to rubber plantation in southwest China results in lower fungal beta diversity and reduced network complexity. Fems Microbiology Ecology 2019, 95(7). 

26.Singh D, Slik JWF, Jeon YS, Tomlinson KW, Yang XD, Wang J, Kerfahi D, Porazinska DL, Adams JM: Tropical forest conversion to rubber plantation affects soil micro- & mesofaunal community & diversity. Scientific Reports 2019, 9. 

27.Qiu GL, Abeysinghe KS, Yang XD, Xu ZD, Xu XH, Luo K, Goodale E: Effects of Selenium on Mercury Bioaccumulation in a Terrestrial food Chain from an Abandoned Mercury Mining Region. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 2019, 102(3):329-334. 

28.Martini F, Xia SW, Yang XD, Goodale UM: Small-scale and multi-species approaches for assessing litter decomposition and soil dynamics in high-diversity forests. Applications in Plant Sciences 2019, 7(4). 

29.Liu SJ, Lin XB, Behm JE, Yuan H, Stiblik P, Sobotnik J, Gan JM, Xia SW, Yang XD: Comparative responses of termite functional and taxonomic diversity to land-use change. Ecological Entomology 2019, 44(6):762-770. 

30.Yu DY, Yang XD, Liu MQ: Three new species of Tomocerus from tropical zone of China (Collembola, Tomoceridae). Zootaxa 2018, 4508(2):225-236. 

31.Wang YT, Fang Z, Yang XX, Yang YT, Luo J, Xu K, Bao GR: One-step production of biodiesel from Jatropha oils with high acid value at low temperature by magnetic acid-base amphoteric nanoparticles. Chemical Engineering Journal 2018, 348:929-939. 

32.Song XY, Johnson DJ, Cao M, Umana MN, Deng XB, Yang XF, Zhang WF, Yang J: The strength of density-dependent mortality is contingent on climate and seedling size. Journal of Vegetation Science 2018, 29(4):662-670. 

33.Mao Z, Wang Y, McCormack ML, Rowe N, Deng XB, Yang XD, Xia SW, Nespoulous J, Sidle RC, Guo DL et al: Mechanical traits of fine roots as a function of topology and anatomy. Annals of Botany 2018, 122(7):1103-1116. 

34.Liu SJ, Hu J, Behm JE, He XX, Gan JM, Yang XD: Nitrogen addition changes the trophic cascade effects of spiders on a detrital food web. Ecosphere 2018, 9(10). 

35.Liu M, Xu FZ, Xu XL, Wanek W, Yang XD: Age alters uptake pattern of organic and inorganic nitrogen by rubber trees. Tree Physiology 2018, 38(11):1685-1693. 

36.Zheng G, Li SQ, Wu PF, Liu SJ, Kitching RL, Yang XD: Diversity and assemblage structure of bark-dwelling spiders in tropical rainforest and plantations under different management intensities in Xishuangbanna, China. Insect Conservation and Diversity 2017, 10(3):224-235. 

37.Xiao HF, Schaefer DA, Yang XD: pH drives ammonia oxidizing bacteria rather than archaea thereby stimulate nitrification under Ageratina adenophora colonization. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 2017, 114:12-19. 

38.Liu SJ, Yang XD, Ives AR, Feng ZL, Sha LQ: Effects of Seasonal and Perennial Grazing on Soil Fauna Community and Microbial Biomass Carbon in the Subalpine Meadows of Yunnan, Southwest China. Pedosphere 2017, 27(2):371-379. 

39.Zheng Z, Zhang SB, Baskin C, Baskin J, Schaefer D, Yang XD, Yang LY: Hollows in living trees develop slowly but considerably influence the estimate of forest biomass. Functional Ecology 2016, 30(5):830-838. 

40.Meng LZ, Yang XD, Martin K, Gan JM, Liu YH, Gong WC: Movement patterns of selected insect groups between natural forest, open land and rubber plantation in a tropical landscape (southern Yunnan, SW China). Journal of Insect Conservation 2016, 20(3):363-371. 

41.Liu SJ, Chen J, Gan WJ, Fu SL, Schaefer D, Gan JM, Yang XD: Cascading effects of spiders on a forest-floor food web in the face of environmental change. Basic and Applied Ecology 2016, 17(6):527-534. 

42.Liu SJ, Behm JE, Chen J, Fu SL, He XX, Hu J, Schaefer D, Gan JM, Yang XD: Functional redundancy dampens the trophic cascade effect of a web-building spider in a tropical forest floor. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 2016, 98:22-29. 

43.Zheng G, Li SQ, Yang XD: Spider diversity in canopies of Xishuangbanna rainforest (China) indicates an alarming juggernaut effect of rubber plantations. Forest Ecology and Management 2015, 338:200-207. 

44.Tan ZH, Deng XB, Hughes A, Tang Y, Cao M, Zhang WF, Yang XF, Sha LQ, Song L, Zhao JF: Partial net primary production of a mixed dipterocarp forest: Spatial patterns and temporal dynamics. Journal of Geophysical Research-Biogeosciences 2015, 120(3):570-583. 

45.Liu SJ, Li ZP, Sui Y, Schaefer DA, Alele PO, Chen J, Yang XD: Spider foraging strategies dominate pest suppression in organic tea plantations. Biocontrol 2015, 60(6):839-847. 

46.Liu SJ, Chen J, Gan WJ, Schaefer D, Gan JM, Yang XD: Spider foraging strategy affects trophic cascades under natural and drought conditions. Scientific Reports 2015, 5. 

47.Gan WJ, Liu SJ, Yang XD, Li DQ, Lei CL: Prey interception drives web invasion and spider size determines successful web takeover in nocturnal orb-web spiders. Biology Open 2015, 4(10):1326-1329. 

48.Xiao HF, Tian YH, Zhou HP, Ai XS, Yang XD, Schaefer DA: Intensive rubber cultivation degrades soil nematode communities in Xishuangbanna, southwest China. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 2014, 76:161-169. 

49.Xiao HF, Feng YL, Schaefer DA, Yang XD: Soil fungi rather than bacteria were modified by invasive plants, and that benefited invasive plant growth. Plant and Soil 2014, 378(1-2):253-264. 

50.Liu SJ, Chen J, He XX, Hu J, Yang XD: Trophic cascade of a web-building spider decreases litter decomposition in a tropical forest floor. European Journal of Soil Biology 2014, 65:79-86. 

51.Xiao HF, Schaefer DA, Lei YB, Zhen YL, Li YP, Yang XD, Feng YL: Influence of invasive plants on nematode communities under simulated CO2 enrichment. European Journal of Soil Biology 2013, 58:91-97. 

52.Meng LZ, Martin K, Weigel A, Yang XD: Tree Diversity Mediates the Distribution of Longhorn Beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) in a Changing Tropical Landscape (Southern Yunnan, SW China). Plos One 2013, 8(9). 

53.Behm JE, Yang XD, Chen J: Slipping through the Cracks: Rubber Plantation Is Unsuitable Breeding Habitat for Frogs in Xishuangbanna, China. Plos One 2013, 8(9). 

54.Yang XD, Yang Z, Warren MW, Chen J: Mechanical fragmentation enhances the contribution of Collembola to leaf litter decomposition. European Journal of Soil Biology 2012, 53:23-31. 

55.Yang XD, Chen J: Plant litter quality influences the contribution of soil fauna to litter decomposition in humid tropical forests, southwestern China. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 2009, 41(5):910-918. 

56.Li YJ, Yang XD, Zou XM, Wu JH: Response of soil nematode communities to tree girdling in a subtropical evergreen broad-leaved forest of southwest China. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 2009, 41(5):877-882. 

57.Chan OC, Casper P, Sha LQ, Feng ZL, Fu Y, Yang XD, Ulrich A, Zou XM: Vegetation cover of forest, shrub and pasture strongly influences soil bacterial community structure as revealed by 16S rRNA gene T-RFLP analysis. Fems Microbiology Ecology 2008, 64(3):449-458. 

58.Zhang YP, Sha LQ, Yu GR, Song QH, Tang JW, Yang XD, Wang YS, Zheng Z, Zhao SJ, Yang Z et al: Annual variation of carbon flux and impact factors in the tropical seasonal rain forest of Xishuangbanna, SW China. Science in China Series D-Earth Sciences 2006, 49:150-162. 

59.Chan OC, Yang XD, Fu Y, Feng ZL, Sha LQ, Casper P, Zou XM: 16S rRNA gene analyses of bacterial community structures in the soils of evergreen broad-leaved forests in south-west China. Fems Microbiology Ecology 2006, 58(2):247-259. 

60.Zou XM, Ruan HH, Fu Y, Yang XD, Sha LQ: Estimating soil labile organic carbon and potential turnover rates using a sequential fumigation-incubation procedure. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 2005, 37(10):1923-1928. 

61.Muthukumar T, Sha LQ, Yang XD, Cao M, Tang JW, Zheng Z: Distribution of roots and arbuscular mycorrhizal associations in tropical forest types of Xishuangbanna, southwest China. Applied Soil Ecology 2003, 22(3):241-253. 

62.Muthukumar T, Sha LQ, Yang XD, Cao M, Tang JW, Zheng Z: Mycorrhiza of plants in different vegetation types in tropical ecosystems of Xishuangbanna, southwest China. Mycorrhiza 2003, 13(6):289-297.