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Adjunct Professors
Spencer C. H. Barrett
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Evolutionary Biology
Mailing Address:
25 Willcocks Street Toronto, Ontario M5S 3B2


Ecology and evolution of plants with a particular focus on the evolution of mating systems, the ecology and genetics of invasions, and issues in conservation biology

 Plant mimicry, in Scientific American 257: 76-83 (1987), by S. C. H. Barrett.

Waterplant invasions, in Scientific American 260: 90-97 (1989), by S. C. H. Barrett

Effect of a change in the level of inbreeding on the genetic load, in Nature 352: 522-524 (1991), by S. C. H. Barrett and D. Charlesworth.

The genetic and evolutionary consequences of small population size: implications for conservation by S. C. H. Barrett and J. Kohn. Pages 3-30 in Genetics and Conservation of Rare Plants, edited by D. Falk and K. E. Holsinger, published in 1991 by Oxford University Press.

The evolution and function of heterostyly, by S. C. H. Barrett (Editor). Published in 1992 by Springer-Verlag, Berlin.

Mating cost of large floral displays in hermaphrodite plants, in Nature 373: 512-515 (1995), by L. D. Harder and S. C. H. Barrett.

Floral biology: studies on floral evolution in animal-pollinated plants, edited by D. G. Lloyd and S. C. H. Barrett. Published in 1996 by Chapman and Hall, New York.