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DONG Shihao
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Qinsong Road 21#, Panlong, Kunming 650223, Yunnan, China



Sep. 2015 - July 2018  Yunnan Agricultural University, Ph.D. Supervisor: Tan ken 

Sep. 2012 - July 2015  Yunnan Agricultural University, Master Supervisor: Tan ken 

Work Experience: 

Apr. 2023 - present  Associate Professor, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG), Chinese Academy of Sciences 

Jan. 2021 - Apr. 2023 Assistant Professor, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG), Chinese Academy of Sciences 

Jul. 2018 - Jan. 2021 Post-doctor, Xishuangbanna Tropical Botanical Garden (XTBG), Chinese Academy of Sciences  

Research Interest: 

The communication of social insects. 






1. ShihaoDong#, Tao Lin#, James C. Nieh*, Ken Tan*. Social signal learning of the waggle dance in honey bees, Science, 2023, 379:1015-1018.Cover StoryIF: 63.714) 

2. Shihao Dong#, Gaoying Gu#, Tao Lin, Ziqi Wang, Jianjun Li, Ken Tan*, James C. Nieh*. An inhibitory signal associated with danger reduces honeybee dopamine levels, Current Biology, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cub.2023.03.072IF: 10.9, TOP 10) 

3. Shihao Dong#, Aili Sun#, Ken Tan*, James C.Nieh*. Identification of giant hornet Vespa mandarinia queen sex pheromone components, Current Biology, 2022. 32: R197-R212 IF: 10.834, TOP 10) 

4. Shihao Dong#, Gaoying Gu#, Jianjun Li, Zhengwei Wang, Ken Tan*, Mingxian Yang, James C. Nieh4*. Honey bee social collapse arising from hornet attacks. Entomologia Generalis, 2023. https://doi.org/10.1127/entomologia/2023/1825IF: 6.608, TOP 10) 

5. Shihao Dong, Ken Tan*, James C.Nieh*. Visual contagion in prey defense signals can enhance honest defense. Journal of Animal Ecology, 2021, 90, 594–601.IF: 5.091, TOP 5) 

6. Gaoying Gu#, Yichuan Meng#, Ken Tan, Shihao Dong*, James C. Nieh*. Lethality of honey bee stings to heavily armored hornets. Biology, 2021,10(6):484.IF: 5.079, Q1) 

7. Katrina Kletta#, Junjun Zhang#, Yingying Zhang, Zhengwei Wang, Shihao Dong*, Ken Tan*. The Nasonov gland pheromone as a potential source of death cue in Apis cerana. Journal of Insect Physiology, 2021, 131, 104238.IF: 2.354, Q2) 

8. Zhiwen Gong#, Gaoying Gu#, Yuan Wang#, Shihao Dong*, Ken Tan*, James C. Nieh*. Floral tea polyphenols can improve honey bee memory retention and olfactory sensitivity, Journal of Insect physiology, 2021, 128, 104177.IF: 2.354, Q2 

9. Shihao Dong, Ken Tan*, Qi Zhang, James C.Nieh*. Playbacks of Asian honey bee stop signals demonstrate referential inhibitory communication. Animal Behaviour, 2019, 148, 29-37. (IF: 3.01, TOP10) 

10. Shihao Dong#, Ping Wen#, Qi Zhang, Yuan Wang, Yanan Cheng, Ken Tan*, James C.Nieh*. Olfactory eavesdropping of predator alarm pheromone by sympatric but not allopatric prey. Animal Behaviour, 2018, 141, 115-125. (IF: 2.675, TOP10) 

11. Shihao Dong#, Ping Wen#, Qi Zhang, Xinyu Li, Ken Tan*, James C. Nieh*. Resisting majesty: Apis cerana has lower antennal sensitivity and decreased attraction to queen mandibular pheromone than Apis mellifera. Scientific Report, 2017, 7, 44640. (IF:4.259) 

12. Yanan Cheng#, Ping Wen#, Shihao Dong#, Ken Tan*, James C. Nieh*. Poison and alarm: the Asian hornet Vespa velutina uses sting venom volatiles as an alarm pheromone. Journal of Experimental Biology, 2017, 220(4): 645-651. (IF: 3.32) 

13. Ken Tan#*, Shihao Dong#, Xinyu Li, Xiwen Liu, Chao Wang, Jianjun Li & James C. Nieh*. Honey bee inhibitory signaling is tuned to threat severity and can act as a colony alarm signal. PLoS Biology, 2016, 14(3): e1002423.IF: 9.797, TOP 10 

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